Thursday, February 16, 2006

Elections in Haiti

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister on the first round of elections in Haiti

February 16, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement congratulating president-designate René Préval on his victory in the Haitian elections:

“Canadians congratulate president-designate Préval on his victory in the Haitian elections and we applaud the Haitian people for their dedication to democracy as demonstrated in the overwhelming voter turnout at the polls on February 7, 2006. This historic level of participation is a clear testament to the desire and resolve of Haitians to move forward and begin the building of the future of their country.

“Canada looks forward to working with president-designate Préval, his government and all sectors of Haitian society to restore democracy and to support reconstruction in Haiti. These elections are an important first step toward these objectives, but renewed commitment to national reconciliation, political dialogue and fundamental reform will be key to the success of these efforts. Canada urges all parties to respect the outcome of the vote, renounce all forms of violence and put their differences behind them as they work together to fulfill the commitments they have made to the Haitian people.”
The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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