Thursday, May 04, 2006


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

100 Days of Change for Canada

May 4, 2006
Toronto, Ontario

Notes for an Address by
The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada

Address to the Ontario PC Party Fundraising Dinner



Thank you Martine and John for that warm welcome.

Colleagues from the Parliament of Canada,

Members of the Provincial Parliament,….

Former Premiers Harris and Davis…

Mesdames et Messieurs…

Ladies and Gentlemen…


And isn`t it great to be a Conservative these days.

How good – wife stormed in – beaten the longevity record of John Turner – bothers me that she seems surprised.

It’s great to be back in my old home town.

Toronto these days seems to be the place for Liberal leadership candidates. Why I asked the cabbie who drove me here today who would he support. He said he`s running himself.

But it`s not all Torontonians – Scott Brison is running, and he`s not from Toronto, although he did blackberry in his applications to the Toronto financial community. It`s now been reviewed by the RCMP.

Friends, the last time I addressed a meeting of the Ontario Conservative Party:

Your party had just selected a new leader.

The federal party was in opposition.

And the usual gang of TV pundits and pollsters were predicting doom and gloom for Conservatives.

How times change.

The federal Liberals have been defeated.

There’s a new national Conservative Government in Ottawa.

Friends, on January 23, Canadians – and of course many Ontarians – voted for change.

And they asked our Party to lead that change.

Just over 100 days have passed.

And in that short time – I’m happy to report – our Government has begun to deliver.

We’ve turned the page on 13 years of scandal and inaction.

And together, we’re moving Canada forward.

We’ve moved forward on cleaning up government by introducing the Federal Accountability Act.

We’ve moved forward on bringing openness and accountability to the Supreme Court.

We’ve moved forward on advancing our national interests by:

  • Re-asserting our historic claim over our Arctic waters;

  • Investing in the security of our borders; and

  • Resolving the crippling, long-standing softwood dispute.

    We are acting to strengthen the unity of our country.

    Our softwood lumber agreement united our country.

    We are working well and productively with the most federalist Quebec premier in our lifetime, Jean Charest. And, for the first time in years, a federalist party – the Conservative Party – is leading the Bloc in the polls in Quebec.

    We’ve moved forward on combating terrorism at home and abroad by:

  • Banning the Tamil Tigers; and

  • Leading the world in cutting off direct funding to Hamas.

    And we’ve moved forward on enhancing Canada’s place in the world by taking a leading role in the U.N. sponsored mission in Afghanistan.

    Our soldiers, diplomats and development workers are doing great work.

    In defending our national security, providing international leadership, and helping the Afghan people re-build their country.

    Their courage and commitment is a credit to Canada.

    They believe in what they’re doing.

    And Canada believes in them.

    And we must always stand behind our men and women in uniform.

    Delivering on our Promises

    Friends, on January 23rd, Canadians voted to turn over a new leaf.

    On that cold winter day, they trudged to the polls and said “enough is enough.”

    They were tired of working longer.

    Paying more in tax.

    And saving less while Liberal ad executives made off with THEIR money.

    They demanded a government that put ordinary people first.

    A government that would treat their tax dollars with respect.

    A government that would promise less but deliver more.

    The Budget

    On Tuesday, Canada’s New Government delivered.

    That’s the day our Budget came through for families.

    It honoured our campaign commitments.

    And it laid a foundation for future success.

    The author of Budget 2006 was hailed in the headlines as “the Tax Fairy.”

    Because he conjured up $20 billion in tax cuts.

    But you and I know him as Jim Flaherty.

    Friends, what a great budget and what a great Minister of Finance..

    And to those of you in the provincial party – no – you can’t have him back to run the Ontario treasury.

    Besides, I don’t think even Jim – who never backs down from a fight - would want to fight for the nomination and take on the new MPP for Whitby-Ajax.

    Friends, our budget delivers tax relief.

    It focuses federal spending on priorities.

    And it pays down debt.

    It’s a good budget.

    A responsible budget.

    A Conservative budget.

    Tax Cuts

    The budget provides dramatic tax relief for working and middle class families.

    It drops over 650,000 low-income earners from the tax rolls.

    It cuts 29 different taxes.

    Sales tax. Down.

    Income taxes. Down.

    Business taxes. Down.

    Immigration taxes. Down.

    This budget provides more tax relief than the previous four years of budgets combined.

    Focused Spending

    On the spending side, our budget is focussed.

    There will be no more wasting money on ever-changing priorities.

    We know what we believe.

    We know where we stand.

    We are investing in things that matter to ordinary Canadians.

    Like child care.

    All parents with kids under six will win under our $1200 per year Universal Child Care Benefit.

    And we’ve set aside money to help create the new child care spaces the Liberals promised – but never delivered.

    After 13 years of empty promises, parents will now get real choice, real support and real spaces.

    But that’s not all.

    Our budget invests in health care.

    It invests in policing and in public safety.

  • in public transit and transit riders

  • in students and apprentices.

    It commits resources to re-building our Canadian Forces.

    And it provides immediate support to Canadian farmers to help ensure our national food security.

    Debt Paydown

    Finally, my friends.

    Our budget is responsible.

    It’s a balanced budget.

    A budget that commits Ottawa to pay down at least $3 billion in debt per year.

    And a budget that commits to restoring the expenditure management system and to rooting out government waste and inefficiency so taxpayers get value for their money.

    Opposition to the Budget

    So there you have it.

    A mandate from the voters.

    An agenda for change.

    A budget that’s focused on the needs of individuals, families and small business.

    A budget that gives more and takes less.

    A budget that leaves the Liberals sputtering.

    Because it accomplishes in 13 weeks more than they ever did in 13 years.

    Our tax cuts are bigger.

    Our spending is goal-oriented.

    Our purpose is not enriching our friends, but helping our citizens.

    Canadians are watching and they’re seeing the difference.

    The difference between old Liberal government and new Conservative leadership.


    Friends, it’s been a great 100 days of change for Canada.

    But there’s more to do.

    While some regions and sectors are booming, others – particularly the resource and manufacturing sectors – are struggling.

    Too many New Canadians are held back from achieving their dreams.

    And gun, gang and drug crime continue to plague our cities – as Toronto knows all too well.

    We need to keep moving our agenda forward.

    And keep delivering the change Canadians voted for on January 23rd.

    For families.

    For communities.

    And for Canada.

    Friends, the change and the difference we represent is not just supported, it is embodied, by the man I am about to introduce.

    John Tory is a man of action.

    A leader who says what he means and means what he says.

    A Conservative…

  • Who will keep your taxes low;

  • Make your streets safe; and

  • Ensure that Ontario is a leader in Confederation.

    Ontario needs John Tory.

    Because John Tory is a nation-builder.

    Because a strong Canada needs a strong Ontario.

    It is my distinct pleasure to introduce a fellow Conservative and a great friend,

    a man who is honest and accountable,

    a man with an outstanding record of community and business achievements,

    and the man who will lead your Ontario Conservative party to victory in the 2007 provincial election.

    Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next Premier of Ontario,

    John Tory!

    The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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