Monday, July 17, 2006

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

The 2006 G8 Summit

July 17, 2006
St. Petersburg, Russia

Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressed his satisfaction today with the G8 engagement on the Middle East, energy security, infectious diseases, and education and innovation. As part of Canada's support to the Summit commitments, the Prime Minister announced new funding for infectious diseases and education, and highlighted Budget 2006 contributions related to the Summit priorities.

“In St. Petersburg, we focussed on themes of vital importance to global peace, growth, health and prosperity, said the Prime Minister. With Canada's experience as an energy exporter, and in responding to health and learning challenges at home and abroad, we are well placed to deliver on our G8 commitments.”

At St. Petersburg, Prime Minister Harper led discussions on the benefits of diversity and immigration. The Prime Minister also highlighted Canadian engagement on non-proliferation, international security, including in Afghanistan and Sudan, and on support for governance and anti corruption efforts.

Highlights of the Summit outcomes include:

  • The G8 leaders sent a strong, unanimous message to the parties to the current crisis in the Middle East, including a series of steps that must be taken to create conditions to end the violence and stabilize the situation.

  • Unanimous G8 commitment to core energy principles to encourage investment and increase the transparency, predictability and competitiveness of global energy markets. The outcome is a robust commitment to a market-based approach, including by Russia.

  • On trade, G8 leaders engaged vigorously, with Canada pressing hard for an ambitious outcome of the Doha Development Round.

  • The G8 committed to concrete progress on the timely sharing of virus samples and other relevant information on infectious disease outbreaks. The G8 also responded to a call by the World Health Assembly to immediately implement elements of the International Health Regulations (IHRs) relevant to avian influenza and potential pandemic influenza.

  • G8 members expressed support for a pilot project to strengthen private sector incentives to develop and produce vaccines for diseases prevalent in developing countries. The “Advance Market Commitment” pilot should be ready for launch by the end of the year. Canada will participate.

  • G8 leaders underlined the importance of ensuring access to quality education, promoting research and development, and facilitating international education mobility.

  • G8 Leaders reiterated their commitment to the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of universal primary education by 2015, and offered their support for the Education For All Fast track Initiative (FTI), a global partnership between donor and developing countries to ensure accelerated progress towards achievement of this MDG.

  • G8 leaders issued a statement on non-proliferation that deals forcefully with Iran and North Korea, as the two major nuclear threats facing the international community.

  • G8 members agreed on measures to enhance collaboration in stabilization and reconstruction assistance to post-conflict countries and vulnerable communities.

    Canadian Commitments at St. Petersburg

    As part of Canada's commitment to the Summit outcomes, Prime Minister Harper announced new funding commitments on infectious diseases and education, and highlighted Budget 2006 contributions related to this Summit’s priorities.

  • Canada will contribute $450 million between 2006-2016 to support country-led efforts to strengthen health systems, improve health outcomes and make concrete progress towards the Millennium Development Goals in Africa.

  • Canada will disburse $250 million in new funding in 2006-07 to the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in the fall.

  • Canada is ready to contribute $100 million to support an Advance Market Commitment pilot project to develop vaccines.

  • Canada will provide $57 million in funding to support the international response to avian influenza, and to prepare for potential future pandemics.

  • In 2006, Canada will contribute $45 million to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, continuing its leadership role in working toward the goal of a polio free world.

  • Canada will provide a $25 million contribution to the Education for All - Fast Track Initiative. This funding will help developing countries establish sound national education plans.

  • Canada will increase bilateral funding to Africa’s education sector from $100 million in 2005 06 to $150 million annually by 2010 11. Further bilateral investment in basic education will build on the significant results already achieved.

  • The Canadian government welcomes Russia's support for reduced gas flaring, given that Russia accounts for 19% globally of all gas flared. Practices developed in Canada by the Alberta Utilities Board serve as a world model for good gas flaring practices.

  • Canada will provide an additional $150 million in contributions to the Global Partnership Program, for a number of new projects in Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union for destroying and securing weapons and materials of mass destruction.

    In St. Petersburg, Prime Minister Harper held a bilateral meeting with President Putin, where the two leaders issued joint statements on the Canada-Russia relationship and energy cooperation. The Prime Minister also met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, and President of the Council of the European Union Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen of Finland.

    The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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