Thursday, October 04, 2007


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (


October 4, 2007

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today attended the joint annual general meeting of the Economic Development Council for Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities (CDEM) and the Manitoba Association of Bilingual Municipalities (AMBM) and delivered the following statement:

"I am delighted to be here in St. Boniface, the unofficial French-speaking capital of Western Canada.

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is one of the fundamental truths of Canada's history: our great country was founded by Francophones.

They created the first capital almost four hundred years ago in Quebec City and, inspired by a pancontinental vision, they founded vibrant French-speaking communities throughout the land.

Well before English and French had the status of Canada's official languages, communities like yours had built the institutions and social networks that would ensure the preservation of the French language and culture.

The Francophone communities here in Manitoba, or in Northern New Brunswick, or in Eastern Ontario or in Northeastern Alberta, are living proof of their success.

Today, thanks to their – and your – determination, we have a country whose bilingualism is recognized the world over as one of Canada's prized and distinctive characteristics.

My dear friends, I've learned to speak French – not fluently, I'll grant you, but I'm working on it – because I recognized long ago that Francophones and the French language are at the very heart of our nation.

You have enriched Canada in countless ways.

And as a country, we are so much better for it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, our country, Canada, is more united today than at any point since its centenary 40 years ago.

Little by little we are regaining our rightful place on the world scene, thanks to our renewed military force and a foreign policy vision based on freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law.

And here at home, we are enjoying a period of sustained economic growth, with an unemployment rate at its lowest level in two generations.

But we mustn't rest on our laurels.

We must continue making good decisions if our country is to enjoy continued prosperity over the long term.

Because we want every Canadian man or woman, rural or urban, Francophone or Anglophone, to share in our country's success.

Like a number of our caucus members, I know that for many of you here this evening, farming is how you make your living.

Since we took office, our government has earmarked more than four billion dollars for agriculture to support farmers and their families.

For entrepreneurs, we have introduced tax reforms that will benefit small businesses, and we've invested in the Franco-Manitoban Loan Program, which offers financing to businesses in Manitoba's bilingual communities.

Just recently, Heritage Minister Josée Verner signed an agreement with the province to build a centre that will help meet the training and development needs of the French-speaking communities in the St. Lawrence region.

Let me assure you that our government will always be there to support the efforts of Francophone communities in seeking to preserve their institutions, their language and their culture.

Because we don't take your important contribution for granted.

We prove this by fulfilling our commitment to your communities and by taking concrete action, instead of just sweet-talking you.

We know that a strong country depends on strong communities.

Our country owes its success to honest, hard-working Canadians such as yourselves and the other Francophones throughout the land who contribute to our unique linguistic and cultural identity.

A united country, a respected country, a country that works for all of us.

Thank you, and I hope to see you soon.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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