Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Notice (REVISED)

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Public events for November 28, 2007

November 28, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario

Public events for Prime Minister Stephen Harper for today, Wednesday, November 28th are:

Ottawa, Ontario

3:15 p.m. – Prime Minister Stephen Harper will pay his respects to former Supreme Court Justice Lamer.

Supreme Court of Canada
301 Wellington St.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0J1

*Open to Media*

Ottawa, Ontario

7:50 p.m. – Prime Minister Stephen Harper will deliver brief remarks at the Holodomor Commemoration Ceremony. He will be joined by Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity, Jason Kenney and by members of the Conservative caucus.

237-C Centre Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario

*Open to Media*

Note: Time is subject to change

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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