Friday, February 01, 2008

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (


February 1, 2008
Toronto, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today paid tribute to the country's nurses in a speech at the Hospital for Sick Children that helped launch a year of events marking the centennial of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA).

"Canadian nurses, I'm proud to say, are among the very best in the world," said Prime Minister Harper. "Not only is their training second to none, but they also have a hard-earned and well-deserved reputation for combining empathy with skill and grace under pressure."

For the past 100 years the CNA has served as a strong national voice for the Canada's nurses. In addition to advancing the profession, the organization has been at the forefront of efforts to improve the quality and accessibility of health care for Canadians. Its year-long centennial celebration will provide Canada's registered nurses with opportunities to reflect on a century of accomplishments and to discuss the future of the profession.

"I would like to congratulate the Canadian Nurses Association on your centennial, and to thank all the nurses here and across the country who have dedicated their lives to caring for our fellow Canadians," the Prime Minister said. "Our government is committed to making Canada stronger, safer and better, and we depend on selfless, hard-working and talented Canadians like you to help make it happen."

After his speech, Prime Minister Harper presented certificates of achievement to14 nurses from across Canada who were selected by the CNA in recognition of their exemplary leadership and diverse contributions to the Canadian healthcare system.

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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