Saturday, July 05, 2008


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (


July 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued the following statement today on the death of Corporal Brendan Anthony Downey:

"On behalf of all Canadians, I would like to offer my deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Corporal Downey, who died yesterday while deployed to the Gulf Region. Corporal Downey was in the region to provide aviation technical and logistics support services to Joint Task Force Afghanistan. Our thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones during this difficult time.

"Our Canadian Forces are making an immense sacrifice to bring security to the people of Afghanistan, all the while protecting Canada's values. We recognize this sacrifice and stand proudly with all Canadian Forces members as they work diligently under difficult conditions. We remain committed, along with our international partners, to ensuring that progress continues for the people of Afghanistan bringing them lasting stability and security.

"Corporal Downey was a valued member of the Canadian Forces and his contributions will not be forgotten."

Corporal Downey was a Military Policeman from the Military Police Detachment in Dundurn, Saskatchewan.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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