Monday, August 23, 2010

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM announces improvements at Churchill Airport

August 23, 2010
Churchill, Manitoba

New upgrades to improve safety and create jobs

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced support for important upgrades to the Churchill Airport. The Prime Minister was in Churchill for the first stop of his annual Northern Tour.

"Canada's regional and remote airports play a vital role in bringing us together as a nation and linking our communities to the world," said Prime Minister Harper. "Our Government is pleased to support upgrades to the Churchill Airport which will help ensure the safe flow of people, goods and services to and from this Northern community, creating jobs and economic growth."

The improvements, which are taking place over a three-year period, will make essential upgrades to Churchill Airport's taxiways, ramps and runways. The airport terminal building entrance road will also undergo reconstruction.

"Thousands of people call Canada's North and communities like Churchill home," said the Prime Minister. "Through investments such as this, our Government is committed to ensuring that these Canadians have access to the goods, services and opportunities they need."

Churchill Airport is classified as a remote airport, and is owned and operated by the Government of Canada. The Government is providing support of $13.4 million for this improvement project.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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