Friday, October 22, 2010

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM announces Canada to help Haiti deal with outbreak of cholera

October 23, 2010
Montreux, Switzerland

Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced today that Canada will provide essential support in response to a cholera outbreak in the rural Artibonite region of Haiti. At least 140 people have died in recent days and more than 1,500 have been hospitalized.

"Canada is concerned by the loss of life and the risk of this serious medical crisis spreading into further communities," said Prime Minister Harper. "Canada will continue to respond to the needs of the people of Haiti who are experiencing tremendous hardships in the aftermath of the earthquake that took place earlier this year."

Our Government is announcing the immediate provision of up to $1 million to respond to this outbreak and prevent further water-borne disease.

Canada will continue to reinforce the management capacity of health institutions in the Artibonite region to better respond to such health challenges. In total, the Canadian Government's current commitment to Haiti is now over $1 billion (2006-2012), making it the largest development assistance recipient in the Americas.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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