Friday, October 01, 2010

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM announces new members of the Queen's Privy Council

October 1, 2010
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the appointment of Laurie Hawn, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence and Member of Parliament for Edmonton Centre, and Rick Casson, Member of Parliament for Lethbridge, as Privy Councillors.

"I am pleased today to announce the appointments of Laurie Hawn and Rick Casson as Privy Councillors, following their many years of dedication and hard work in the House of Commons, including on Canada's engagement in Afghanistan," Prime Minister Harper said. "Both Mr. Hawn and Mr. Casson continue to meet the highest standards of public service to the benefit of their constituents and all Canadians."

Privy Councillors are members of The Queen's Privy Council for Canada, established under the Constitution Act, 1867 to advise the Crown. The Privy Council includes all past and present Ministers, as well as a number of select persons. Members are appointed by the Governor General, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.

During the swearing-in ceremony, Privy Councillors swear an oath of allegiance and the Privy Councillors' Oath, which includes maintaining the secrecy of confidences of the Queen's Privy Council of Canada.

The swearing-in ceremony will be one of the first duties performed by Canada's new Governor General, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, who was installed today.

Laurie Hawn has served on the Standing Committee on National Defence (SCOND), as well as the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. He also chaired the Special Legislative Committee on Bill C-30, the Clean Air Act. On October 10, 2007 Laurie Hawn was named as the new Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Peter MacKay. Mr. Hawn continues as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence and is the lead government Member of Parliament on SCOND and the Special Committee on the Mission in Afghanistan.

Rick Casson is a five-term Member of Parliament, who has been named Chair of the Special Committee on the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan and Chair of the Alberta Caucus. Mr. Casson was also named the Canadian Chair of the Permanent Joint Board on Defence, a Canadian-American advisory body established at Ogdensburg, NY in 1940 by Prime Minister Mackenzie King and United States President F.D. Roosevelt.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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