Sunday, October 17, 2010


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on Small Business Week

October 17, 2010
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued the following statement on Small Business Week, which runs from October 17 to 23:

"Every year during Small Business Week we have the opportunity to acknowledge the entrepreneurial men and women who have put their dreams into action. Through their hard work, dedication and vision, small business owners are generating the jobs and economic growth that are making Canada a competitive and modern economy. They are helping to ensure that our economy emerges from the global economic recession stronger than ever.

"Small businesses are, in fact, the backbone of the Canadian economy, accounting for 98% of all businesses in Canada. Our Government has made it a priority to provide small businesses with the tools and advantages they need to succeed in today's rapidly evolving international environment. Our efforts include reducing taxes and regulations that inhibit growth and stifle initiative, helping to ensure small businesses have ready access to financing and investors, and expanding trade so they have the broadest possible access to international markets.

"Our Government will continue to ensure small businesses have the opportunity to succeed and grow. I encourage all Canadians to recognize the importance and celebrate the achievements and contributions of small businesses across Canada."

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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