Monday, February 21, 2011

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM attends crowning of new sails at Canada Place

Canada's Economic Action Plan
February 21, 2011
Vancouver, British Columbia

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today visited Canada Place where he marked the completion of this Canadian landmark – the replacement of the facility's iconic white sailed roof.

"The Canada Place sails are an internationally recognized feature of the Vancouver landscape, representing the strength, unity and proud maritime history of this country," said Prime Minister Harper. "The restoration of this landmark is one of several initiatives that our Government is undertaking to keep Vancouver's waterfront prosperous and attractive to locals and visitors alike."

A prominent feature of Vancouver's skyline since 1984, Canada Place's distinctive five-sailed roof is a symbol of national pride and a gathering place for over three million guests annually. The sails were on display during national and international coverage of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

"This is exactly the kind of infrastructure project that was perfectly timed for Canada's Economic Action Plan," said Prime Minister Harper. "We chose to invest in projects that have a clear beginning, middle and end… and over the past two years, we have funded more than 1,600 projects that are improving communities right across British Columbia."

Under Canada's Economic Action Plan, the Harper Government has also supported upgrades to the following Vancouver landmarks: Science World, VanDusen Botanical Garden, Stanley Park as well as the Vancouver Aquarium.

For more information on Canada's Economic Action Plan, please visit

For more information on the Canada Place project, please visit
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