Thursday, March 10, 2011

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM renews support for national Strategy to fight cancer

March 10, 2011
Toronto, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the Government's plan to renew support for the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. Prime Minister Harper made the announcement alongside Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health, during a visit to MaRS Discovery District in Toronto.

"Every year, millions of Canadians are affected by cancer, either through personal struggle, or by supporting a family member, friend or neighbour who suffers from this devastating disease," Prime Minister Harper said. "The funding announced today is part of our Government's commitment to keep Canadians and their families healthy, to help doctors detect cancer sooner and give health-care workers, support groups and survivors the help they need to fight back."

In November 2006, the Government announced the creation of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer – an independent, not-for-profit organization whose goal is to help save Canadian lives from this tragic disease. The Strategy was developed in cooperation with more than 700 cancer survivors and experts.

Today, the Government announced its plan to renew funding to the Partnership over five years – 2012 to 2017 – to help it continue its invaluable work. This includes reducing the expected number of new cases of cancer among Canadians; enhancing the quality of life for those living with cancer; and increasing the likelihood of Canadians surviving from cancer.

"As I said in 2006, every day health professionals at home and abroad are winning small victories in the long battle against cancer," noted Prime Minister Harper. "We're making progress on prevention, diagnosis, treatment and hope. And in tracking our progress closely, the Partnership is leading us on the path to a cure."
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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