Monday, August 08, 2011

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM underscores importance of scientific cooperation and higher education

Announces new funding for joint research and development, and recipients of a joint scholarships program
August 8, 2011
Brasília, Brazil

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced renewed funding for the International Science and Technology Partnership Program, as well as the development of a new and unique bilateral Science and Technology Action Plan focused on innovation. Prime Minister Harper also announced that eleven scholarships have been granted under the first-ever Canada-Brazil scholarship program.

"The Canadian and Brazilian governments recognize that the global economy will increasingly depend on knowledge and innovation," said Prime Minister Harper. "We will continue to support leading-edge research and development, and collaboration between our countries. "

The International Science and Technology Partnership Program, announced in 2005, has been renewed in 2010-2011 with $5 million in funding over five years for Brazil. To date, the Program has resulted in new and important collaborative research and development projects with Brazil, notably in the areas of satellite technology, biodegradable plastics, and wavelength converter technology for electrical power.

In addition, a joint committee has been established under the Canada-Brazil Framework Agreement for Cooperation on Science, Technology and Innovation, signed in 2008, to deliver a Science and Technology Action Plan by the end of this year. The Action Plan will encourage Canadian and Brazilian academic and business communities to work together to accelerate the commercialization of research and development in areas of common interest, such as ocean technology, life sciences, clean energy and nanotechnology.

"The creation of the Science and Technology Action Plan focused on innovation illustrates the depth of cooperation between our two countries," added Prime Minister Harper.

The Prime Minister also took the opportunity today to announce eleven recipients of the Canada-Brazil Awards: Joint Research Projects scholarships, a component of the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP), which he announced at the Summit of the Americas in 2009.

"Brazil is an important partner for Canada in the field of education, and this new initiative further strengthens academic relations and paves the way for joint innovation between our two countries, while helping to develop the next generation of leaders in the Americas," concluded Prime Minister Harper.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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