Wednesday, July 19, 2006


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister on Cyprus airlift

July 19, 2006
Paris, France

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement on evacuating Canadian citizens from Lebanon:

“As you all know, an evacuation of thousands of citizens from a distant land is a challenging undertaking. A challenge being faced many nations at the same time.

“Canadian officials – in the region and back home in Ottawa – are working around the clock with our allies to secure the safe passage of all Canadians who wish to leave Lebanon.

“I am pleased to report that an evacuation ship chartered by Canada arrived in Beirut earlier today and is taking on passengers at this moment. That ship is expected to make its way to Cyprus tonight.

“More ships will be on their way in the coming hours, and we are going to keep sending ships to help those Canadians who wish to leave Lebanon. Getting people out of Lebanon is only the first step in the evacuation plan.

“Once in a safe haven, citizens who wish to return home must secure air travel back to Canada.

“As you know, I was originally scheduled to return to Ottawa from Paris tonight.

“Because of the seriousness of the situation – and our relative proximity to Cyprus – I have decided to take the Canadian forces aircraft we have been traveling on to help airlift evacuees back home.

“The aircraft will be stripped down to only a skeleton staff, including Laureen and myself, to free up the maximum number of seats for evacuees.

“This action – in and of itself – will not resolve the many challenges faced by the tens of thousands of Canadians who may want to leave Lebanon; but it allows us to do what we can, with what we have to ensure the safe and secure return of Canadians.”

The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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