Wednesday, August 30, 2006

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Prime Minister Harper announces upgrade of the RCMP Training Academy and major investment in RCMP training and recruitment

August 30, 2006
Regina, Saskatchewan

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced that the Government of Canada will upgrade the RCMP Training Academy (Depot Division) in Regina and hire 1,000 new RCMP personnel, an investment of nearly $200 million over the next two years.

“The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Academy, Depot Division, is the exclusive recruit training centre for the best national law enforcement organization in the world. I am pleased to announce that in order to accommodate the training of these officers, we are delivering on our Budget commitment to invest in the expansion and refurbishing of Depot, “said Prime Minister Harper

“Our government is delivering on its commitment to get tough on crime and give our law enforcement agencies the resources they need to help keep Canadians and their communities safe and secure,” said Prime Minister Harper. “This investment will ensure the RCMP has a state-of-the-art training facility to meet the growing demand for new officers.”

The investment includes $37 million to expand and refurbish the Training Academy so it can accommodate the new recruits. A further $161 million will allow the RCMP to expand its total strength by more than 600 full-time officers and nearly 400 civilian support staff.

Speaking to an audience of RCMP cadets and Depot staff, the Prime Minister noted that Canadians ask their police to perform many difficult and dangerous tasks. “That’s why Canada’s New Government is sparing no expense to make sure the RCMP has the people – and the facilities – to do the job we ask them to do,” Prime Minister Harper said.

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Increasing RCMP recruitment and training capacity

In Budget 2006, Canada’s New Government committed $37 million over two years to refurbishing and expanding the RCMP’s National Training Academy (Depot) in Regina. The Budget also committed $161 million to expand the total strength of the RCMP by 1,000 new full time police officers.

Today’s announcement will allow Depot expansion and officer recruitment to begin immediately. The first step of the recruiting campaign will see the RCMP expand its strength by more than 600 full time officers and nearly 400 necessary civilian support staff.

RCMP Training Academy

Every RCMP officer receives his cadet training at Depot. Built in 1882, it was originally designed to train 600 cadets annually. Many of the existing buildings are now more than 50 years old.

Our Investment

Today’s announcement will also help the RCMP meet their long-term target of graduating 1,500 new officers each year from Depot. However, to meet the government’s immediate demand for new officers, some of the funds will be used to develop temporary facilities that will enable Depot to train approximately 1,300 cadets this year, 1,800 next year and 1,700 in 2008-2009. Every year, some 8,500 Canadians apply to become RCMP officers, but only a fraction of the applicants meet the high entry standards.

Over the next two years, the funds will be used to construct new facilities including a new indoor firing range, classrooms, a dining hall and dormitories. Some money will also go toward an aggressive recruiting campaign and an enhanced field coaching program to ensure that all Depot graduates are paired with experienced officers during their first posting.

The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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