Thursday, June 12, 2008

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (


June 12, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced today the following changes in the senior ranks of the Public Service:

Michael Horgan, currently Deputy Minister of the Environment, becomes the Government's nominee for the position of Executive Director for the Canadian, Irish and Caribbean constituency at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington, D.C., effective August 1, 2008, to replace Jonathan Fried, who is awaiting a diplomatic appointment.

Ian Shugart, currently Associate Deputy Minister of the Environment, becomes Deputy Minister of the Environment, effective August 1, 2008.

Margaret Biggs, currently Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, (Plans and Consultation), Privy Council Office, becomes President of the Canadian International Development Agency, effective July 1, 2008.

Stephen Rigby, currently Associate Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, becomes President of the Canada Border Services Agency, effective August 1, 2008.

The Prime Minister took the opportunity to thank Alain Jolicoeur, President of the Canada Border Services Agency who is retiring from the Public Service, for his dedication and excellence in serving Canadians over the years.

As well, the Prime Minister thanked Keith Coulter, Commissioner, Correctional Service of Canada, who is retiring after a very distinguished career in the Canadian Forces and in the Public Service, for his remarkable performance in leading institutions and protecting Canadians.

Finally, the Prime Minister expressed his gratitude for the valuable contribution made by Robert Greenhill, who is leaving the public service as President of the Canadian International Development Agency, to take on the role of Managing Director and Chief Business Officer of the World Economic Forum in Geneva.

The Prime Minister extends his best wishes for great success in their future endeavours to Mr. Jolicoeur, Mr. Coulter and Mr. Greenhill.

Biographical notes attached.

* * * *



Master of Economics, Queen's University
Master of Economics, Princeton University
Bachelor of Arts (Economics), Concordia University

Professional Experience

Since May 2006
Deputy Minister of the Environment

2003 - 2006
Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

2001 - 2003
Senior Associate Deputy Minister of Finance

1999 - 2001
President of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

1998 - 1999
Executive Vice-President and Associate Deputy Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

1996 - 1998
Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Intergovernmental Policy and Communications, Privy Council Office

1992 - 1996
Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Priorities and Planning, Privy Council Office

1991 - 1992
Director, International Economic Analysis Division, International Trade and Finance Branch, Department of Finance

1990 - 1991
Director, Economic and Policy Analysis, Environment Canada

1987 - 1990
Tax Policy Officer; Chief, Strategic Planning, then Assistant Director, Sales and Excise Tax Division, Department of Finance



Bachelor of Political Economy, University of Toronto

Professional Experience

Since September 2006
Associate Deputy Minister, Environment Canada

2005 - 2006
Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Health Policy Branch, Health Canada

1999 - 2004
Assistant Deputy Minister, Health Policy Branch, Health Canada

1997 - 1999
Visiting Assistant Deputy Minister, Health Protection Branch, Health Canada

1993 - 1997
Executive Director, Medical Research Council

1991 - 1993
Assistant Secretary, Social Policy and Programs Branch, Federal-Provincial Relations Office

1989 - 1991
Chief of Staff to the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources

1984 - 1989
Senior Policy Advisor to the Minister of National Health and Welfare

1982 - 1984
Policy Director, Office of the Leader of the Opposition

1980 - 1982
Constitutional Policy Advisor, Office of the Leader of the Opposition

Administrative Secretary to the Premier's Advisory Committee on Confederation, Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs of the Government of Ontario



Master of Arts, International Affairs, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, University of British Columbia

Professional Experience

Since May 2006
Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Plans and Consultation, Privy Council Office

2002 - 2006
Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Priorities and Planning, Privy Council Office

2000 - 2002
Assistant Deputy Minister, Human Investment Programs, Human Resources Development Canada

1998 - 1999
Associate Executive Head, Strategic Policy, Human Resources Development Canada

1996 - 1998
Special Advisor to the Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy, Human Resources Development Canada

1995 - 1996
Research Fellow, Canadian Policy Research Networks

1991 - 1994
Director General, Social Policy (previously with National Health and Welfare), Human Resources Development Canada

1989 - 1991
Special Advisor to the Executive Director, Immigration Policy, Department of
Employment and Immigration

1986 - 1987
Privy Council Officer, Privy Council Office

1976 - 1985
Director of Research / Research Officer, North South Institute

1983 - 1987
Energy Economist, Energy and Resource Programs Division, then Senior Economist, Economic Development Division, Department of Finance

1981 - 1982
Executive Assistant to the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister (Energy), Energy, Mines and Resources Canada

1978 - 1981
Energy Economist, Energy and Resource Programs Division, Department of Finance



Bachelor of Arts, Public Administration (Honours), Carleton University

Professional Experience

Since March 2008
Associate Deputy Minister, Foreign Affairs

2006 - 2008
Executive Vice-President, Canada Border Services Agency

2005 - 2006
Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Security and Intelligence, Privy Council Office, and then Acting National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister, Privy Council Office

2003 - 2005
Assistant Commissioner, Policy and Planning Branch, Canada Revenue Agency

2001 - 2003
Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Commissioner, Finance and Administration Branch, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

1999 - 2001
Assistant Commissioner, Corporate Affairs Branch, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

1997 - 1999
Director General, Corporate Affairs Branch, Revenue Canada

1995 - 1996
Director, Corporate Development, Corporate Affairs, Revenue Canada

1992 - 1995
Director General, Corporate Planning, Revenue Canada

1990 - 1992
Director, Program Resource Analysis, Corporate Planning, Customs and Excise

Various positions, Customs and Excise
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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