Sunday, October 24, 2010

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM announces new development projects for African Francophonie countries

October 24, 2010
Montreux, Switzerland

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced support for new development projects in Francophonie countries in Africa that will help alleviate poverty and generate economic growth.

"Canadians have a long and proud history of supporting development work in Francophonie countries," said the Prime Minister. "The new initiatives announced today will increase food security, secure the future of children and youth and promote sustainable economic growth across Africa."

Through nine new projects, Canada will help over 400,000 people across Africa in the countries of La Francophonie to curb chronic hunger, grow food and find markets to sell their products; protect an estimated 700,000 children from sexual violence in the Great Lakes Region; and support partners in Africa in key areas such as environmental sustainability, nutritional education, access to microfinance and the healthy development of children through training educators, medical staff and parents.

The Government will be working on these projects with a range of non government partners, including, the Centre de Solidarité Internationale du Saguenay/Lac St-Jean, the Comité de Solidarité in Trois-Rivières and Développement International Desjardins.

In 2005, Canada committed to doubling official development assistance to Africa. It met that target in 2008-2009. Canada maintained funding levels at $2.1 billion in 2009-2010 to meet development needs in Africa.

Canada's work to save the lives of mothers and children, especially in Francophonie countries in Africa, is being expanded through $ 1.1 billion in new funding for the G-8 Muskoka Initiative on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. Eighty per cent of Canada's overall commitment will be dedicated to sub-Saharan Africa and will make a significant and tangible difference in reducing child mortality and improving maternal health.

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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