Tuesday, November 09, 2010

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (http://www.pm.gc.ca/)

PM announces the launch of economic consultations

November 9, 2010
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today launched economic consultations to seek Canadians' views on the next phase of Canada's Economic Action Plan. He was accompanied by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance, Ted Menzies. The Prime Minister made the announcement in Winnipeg during a meeting with small business owners and hard working families to discuss economic opportunities and ways to build Canada's economic future.

"The economic recovery remains fragile and Canadians remain concerned about the economy, jobs and their household budgets," the Prime Minister noted. "That is why our government's number one priority remains the economy and we continue to be focused on creating jobs and supporting families."

Launched in 2009, the Economic Action Plan has so far contributed to creating over 420,000 new jobs since July 2009 and helped the country emerge from the global economic crisis faster and stronger than most other major industrial countries around the world. The Prime Minister noted that both the International Monetary Fund and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development had projected that Canada will lead the G-7 in growth over the next two years.

"We will continue delivering the stability needed for the economic well being of hard working families, small business owners and entrepreneurs by controlling spending, cutting the deficit, eliminating waste and keeping taxes low," said Prime Minister Harper. "That's why were here today. We want to hear from Canadians on the next phase of our Economic Action Plan. Our Government shares your values and belief in hard work to get the job done – your priorities are our priorities and our Government is listening to you."

Over the coming months, the Prime Minister, his Cabinet and caucus will travel to small towns, communities and cities across the country to listen to and seek the views of Canadians on our long term Economic Action Plan.

"Turning our fragile economic recovery into an enduring and robust performance over the longer term will also mean taking further steps to hone our competitive edge. This means building on our efforts to attract foreign investment, opening up new markets and opportunities for Canadian businesses and laying the foundation for long-term sustainable jobs," the Prime Minister added.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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