Tuesday, February 22, 2011

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (http://www.pm.gc.ca/)

PM announces new Canadian Forces helicopter facility near Victoria

February 22, 2011
Sidney, British Columbia

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, accompanied by Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence, today announced that the Harper Government will be building a new helicopter facility at Patricia Bay, near Victoria, British Columbia to further strengthen Canada's West Coast defences.

"This facility and the new Cyclone helicopters it will house are part of providing the Canadian Forces with the people, equipment and support they need to get the job done," said Prime Minister Harper "It is a solid investment in the future of naval aviation in Canada."

The Canada First Defence Strategy is providing our hard-working men and women in uniform with the tools needed to meet the challenges of the 21st century. This project, which is part of our Government's Strategy, is expected to generate more than 800 jobs over the full construction period.

Part of Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, the project includes a new 20,000 square-meter facility that will consolidate the operations and support functions of the 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron into one building. It is anticipated that the facility will be completed in the winter prior to the arrival of nine new CH-148 Cyclone Helicopters in the spring of 2014. The Cyclones will replace the aging CH-124 Sea King Fleet, which are currently in use.

Infrastructure improvements at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt – the home of the Pacific Fleet, and approximately 4,000 military and 2,000 civilian personnel – are continuing to generate economic benefits and significant employment opportunities.

The Harper Government will conduct open, fair, and transparent competition processes to award the contracts associated with this project at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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