Friday, March 11, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Let's Talk Science

March 11, 2011
Guelph, Ontario

Let's Talk Science is a charitable organization that delivers education programs and services designed to encourage youth to take an early interest in science. By engaging young people in learning, the organization provides students with the tools they need to become the next generation of innovators and problem solvers – thus building a talent pool that will fuel Canada's economy well into the future.

Founded in 1993, Let's Talk Science's more than 2,000 volunteers and role models have shared their passion for science, technology, engineering and math with more than two million children, youth and educators across Canada. By providing fun, exciting, hands-on activities, the organization also helps students – from the very early years through high school – build critical life skills, including problem-solving, communication and teamwork.

The Harper Government will provide $2 million over four years to help Let's Talk Science:

  • Develop its outreach activities (mentoring, presentations, field trips and science fairs) and expand its network to three more sites in southern Ontario, for a total of 15.
  • Increase the number of All Science Challenge events from eight to ten per year. These one-day competitions allow students in grades six through eight to acquire problem solving skills and gain a better understanding of science-related fields of study.
  • Expand its CurioCity website and make it more interactive. The improved website will feature online competitions, homework help and a new career centre for students in grades eight through twelve.

Funding is being provided through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (Fed-Dev Ontario), under its Youth STEM Initiative, which is designed to encourage young people to pursue education and careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Created in 2009, as part of Canada's Economic Action Plan, Fed-Dev Ontario supports economic and community development, innovation, and economic diversification through contribution to communities, businesses, and not-for-profit organizations.

The Harper Government recognizes that exposing youth to science, engineering and math is key to driving business innovation and technology development. Support for Let's Talk Science will thus help to ensure a stronger economic future for southern Ontario and Canada.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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