Wednesday, May 18, 2011

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

New Ministry to govern for all Canadians

Economy remains number one priority
May 18, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the appointment of a new federal Ministry that will lead the way in keeping Canada moving toward greater security and stability.

"With a renewed mandate and a national majority, Canadians can count on this Government to pursue measures that create jobs and growth, support seniors, protect our health-care system, fight against crime and reduce and eliminate the deficit," said the Prime Minister.

"Our low-tax plan for jobs and growth will strengthen the financial security of hard-working Canadians and help ensure Canada continues to be one of the top-performing advanced economies in the world," the Prime Minister said.

"The new Ministry is fundamentally about stability and continuity. It represents the right mix of experience and new blood. It is the right group of men and women to lead the job of keeping Canada moving forward towards greater prosperity," added the Prime Minister.

"The new Cabinet team has strong representation from all regions, and it will hit the ground running," concluded Prime Minister Harper.

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The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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