Friday, May 20, 2011

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM visits communities devastated by wildfires

May 20, 2011
Slave Lake, Alberta

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today visited Slave Lake, in northern Alberta, to witness the devastating effects of the wildfire disaster that has engulfed the community. He was accompanied by Premier Ed Stelmach.

"Today I saw first hand the devastation caused by the wildfires in and around Slave Lake which have displaced thousands of residents, destroyed houses and businesses and severely damaged the town's infrastructure," said Prime Minister Harper. "The thoughts and prayers of Canadians are with Albertan families affected by this terrible natural disaster."

The Government of Canada is working closely with the province to address this tragedy. RCMP detachments in the region are already being bolstered with additional members to assist with evacuations and other emergency duties. At the request of the Province of Alberta, our Government is also providing essential items such as generators, beds and blankets from the National Emergency Stockpile System.

In the days and weeks ahead, our Government will continue to work closely with all levels of Government to help residents of Slave Lake rebuild their lives.

"During my tour of the area I was continually inspired by the courage and resilience of Albertans, the diligence of authorities and volunteers who are working around the clock to get Slave Lake back up and running, and the bravery of the firefighters who are battling wildfires across the province," concluded Prime Minister Harper.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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