Saturday, May 28, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the death of a Canadian soldier in Afghanistan

May 28, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued the following statement today on the death of a Canadian soldier in Afghanistan:

"To the family and friends of Bombardier Karl Manning, who died yesterday in Afghanistan, I offer my sincerest condolences. Canada stands behind you in these most trying times.

"The Government of Canada is proud of the men and women that serve in Canada's Armed Forces. Their dedication and skill protect the interests and values of Canadians every single day. It is these men and women that make a difference every day in Afghanistan saving lives, contributing to the peace and stability of Afghanistan, as well as the security of Canada.

"Bombardier Karl Manning will be missed by the Canadian Armed Forces family, his community and Canadians everywhere. We will remember his dedication and sacrifice alongside all of those who have lost their lives in the defence of our country."

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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