Thursday, August 11, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Support to strengthen security in Costa Rica

August 11, 2011
San José, Costa Rica

Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced Government support for the Enhanced Foreign Candidate Program, the Costa Rican Police Enhancement Program and the Capacity Building and Security Training for the Tourism Industry project.

Enhanced Foreign Candidate Program

Through this initiative, up to 250 Costa Rican national police officers annually will begin a three-year training and mentorship program with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The RCMP and the Canadian Police College will lead the implementation of this initiative, with support from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada's Anti-Crime Capacity-Building Program (ACCBP). The initiative will help strengthen Costa Rican police in utilizing special investigative techniques, including those related to surveillance, criminal intelligence, and the management of major cases.

Costa Rican Police Enhancement Program

This program will fulfill a request from the Costa Rican government to equip their new police academy with communication and navigation equipment necessary to train new recruits and re-train existing members of their police force. Canada's support for this initiative will be provided through the ACCBP, and the equipment will be procured through the Canadian Commercial Corporation.

Capacity Building and Security Training for the Tourism Industry

This project aims to enhance security for tourists by offering specialized training to security managers in the tourism industry and public law enforcement agencies in the Americas. It also seeks to develop public-private partnerships between security managers and law enforcement agencies to enhance security within the tourism industry. The ACCBP is providing support for this initiative, which will be implemented by the Organization of American States.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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