Wednesday, August 10, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada in Bogotá, Colombia

August 10, 2011
Bogotá, Colombia

Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the following remarks while on an official visit in Bogotá, Colombia:

"Mr. President, it is a pleasure to return to this beautiful country that I first visited in 2007.

"It is also a great pleasure, to be with you here today in the first year of your presidency, and I must say, on this your 60th birthday, we congratulate you!

"Your accession to office adds yet more proof to the progress of democratic institutions in this country.

"And thank you, Mr. President, for the hospitality extended to myself and all of the members of the Canadian delegation.

"Long after the rigours of travel are forgotten, we shall remember the warmth of your welcome.

"President Santos and I held productive discussions about Colombian and regional affairs, Canadian engagements here and future possibilities.

"Colombia is a key regional partner with Canada in important objectives – spreading democracy, promoting human rights and improving hemispheric security.

"Especially, it is a partner in making our peoples prosperous by opening markets.

"And today we are here to mark an historic moment in our relations: the coming into force of the Free Trade Agreement between our two countries.

"Signed in 2008, passed by our parliament in 2010, this Agreement – the first between Colombia and a G-8 nation – lays the basis for even greater economic interaction between our peoples.

"Already, Canada-Colombia trade has blossomed.

"Colombia has the fifth-largest economy in Latin America, and it is Canada's second-largest export destination in the region.

"It is for reasons such as this that last year, two-way merchandise trade between us reached nearly $1.4 billion.

"Investment flows have also risen.

"Colombia is the fifth-largest destination for Canadian direct investment in all of Central and South America.

"More than 70 Canadian companies are creating jobs and wealth in Colombia, in oil, gas, mining, the financial sector, wholesale distribution, education, footwear, tissue paper, food processing, satellite technology, legal services, I could go on, but it is a very long list, a catalogue of opportunities for both of our countries,

"And it's no accident.

"Diversifying trade and economic activity like this is the focal point of Canada's renewed outreach to its hemispheric neighbours.

"Since 2006, Canadian ministers have paid 175 visits to Latin American countries.

"Canada has signed, or is now negotiating, free trade agreements with more than 20 of our hemispheric neighbours.

"I should like to thank President Santos for his personal efforts in implementing this Agreement.

"Here, as elsewhere, Canada also invests heavily in promoting human rights, reducing poverty and supporting justice.

"The key to all of these great objectives, however, is prosperity.

"And the key to prosperity is trade.

"And with this Agreement, our governments have taken a big step forward.

"And we look forward to seeing you, Mr. President, next year in Cartagena,
when you host the Summit of the Americas."
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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