Friday, August 12, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Food security projects in Honduras

August 12, 2011
San Pedro Sula, Honduras

On August 12, 2011, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced support for the following food security projects in Honduras: the World Food Programme Honduras Country Program, the World Food Programme School Feeding, the Food and Agriculture Organization Special Program for Food Security, the Agriculture Value Chain Initiative, as well as the Promoting Food Security in the Choluteca and Rio Negro and the Nacaome and Goascorán Watersheds. These projects – administered through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) – are in line with Canada's Engagement in the Americas strategy and the Aid Effectiveness Agenda.

Since 1969, Canada has provided nearly $500 million in Official Development Assistance to Honduras. With total bilateral aid in 2009-2010 exceeding $23 million, Honduras is a country of focus for international assistance for Canada.

World Food Programme (WFP) Honduras Country Program ($6.1 million)

This initiative contributes to improving the nutrition, health and food security of Honduras' poorest populations, specifically, pre-school and school age children, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

The School Feeding component supports access to education by providing a daily meal to boys and girls attending pre-schools and schools in southwestern Honduras. Activities are intended to increase attendance in these establishments in the most vulnerable areas of the country.

The Reduction of Child and Maternal Malnutrition component (REDI) aims to assist vulnerable groups, such as pregnant and lactating women, and children under five years of age by addressing their special nutritional and health needs. Through micronutrient supplementation and distribution of monthly household food rations, the project helps to reduce malnutrition and anemia in vulnerable groups.

Food and Agriculture Organization Special Program for Food Security ($17 million, 2010-2015)

This five-year food security project aims to build local capacities in key areas such as diet diversification, sustainability of agriculture production systems and the promotion of better nutritional education and health practices. The ultimate outcome of the project is improved food security for vulnerable households in the poorest municipalities in Honduras.

Agriculture Value Chain Initiative ($12 million, 2010-2017)

This initiative comprises two projects, with two Honduran partners: Sustainable Coffee Production, with the Honduran Institute for Coffee, and Promoting High-Value Cacao Agro Forestry Systems, with the Honduran Foundation of Agricultural Research. The goal of the Initiative is to enhance food security in sensitive rural areas of Honduras. It aims to increase the annual income of small-scale producers through improvements in productivity, quality, and diversity in the coffee and cacao sectors.

The Sustainable Coffee Production project provides assistance to 15 coffee cooperatives in 15 municipalities. To achieve this, the Honduran Institute for Coffee (IHCAFE) will promote sustainable coffee production practices, such as shade-grown pesticide-free coffee in order to shift small-scale producers away from traditional practices that generate low yields and income and pollute water sources. IHCAFE provides training to producers, access to credit, higher-yielding plants, as well as technology to improve harvest quality and reduce losses. The Institute also helps cooperatives develop business plans, marketing strategies and assists them in obtaining internationally recognized organic certification, which enables producers to gain access to high-value international coffee markets.

The Cacao Agro Forestry Systems project aims to help 2,500 small-scale hillside producers in 24 municipalities in northern Honduras. To achieve this, the Honduran Foundation for Agricultural Research (FHIA) will promote the replacement of low-value crops with high-value cacao agro forestry systems. This change diversifies production and provides small-scale producers with significantly increased income. The introduction of sustainable agriculture practices, such as natural pest control and soil conservation measures, helps to reverse environmental degradation and enables small-scale producers to access higher-value international markets.

Promoting Food Security in the Choluteca and Rio Negro Watersheds (PROSADE) ($13 million, 2010-2017)

The PROSADE project aims to enhance food security for some 24,200 poor rural families in the Choluteca and Rio Negro watersheds in southern Honduras, through improved agricultural productivity, diversity and the promotion of sustainable natural resource management practices.

The project includes the following key activities:

  • Providing technical assistance and training to farmers;
  • Increasing access to drought-resistant seeds for production;
  • Promoting the adoption of environmentally sustainable farming practices;
  • Providing assistance to municipalities to enable the development and implementation of integrated watershed management and disaster prevention plans; and
  • Creating a self-sustaining financial mechanism that will enable small-scale farmers to access credit in order to acquire new technologies and for municipalities to finance water system rehabilitation.

Food Security in the Nacaome and Goascorán Watersheds (PRASA) ($12 million, 2010-2016)

The PRASA project aims to enhance food security and increase income for 3,000 poor rural families in southern Honduras through improved agricultural productivity and sustainable natural resource management.

The project includes the following key activities:

  • Developing integrated watershed management and land use plans;
  • Implementing plans through the rehabilitation of water systems and the creation of family gardens;
  • Raising awareness at the community level of the importance of protecting natural resources – especially water – through educational social activities; and
  • Strengthening local institutions and organizations through workshops and the provision of technical assistance.

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