Friday, August 26, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM marks 20th anniversary of re-establishing Canada's ties with Baltic states

August 26, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued the following statement today to mark the 20th anniversary of the re-establishment of diplomatic ties between Canada and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania:

"Twenty years ago today, on August 26, 1991, Canada announced it would re-establish diplomatic ties with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, after these three nations declared their independence from the Soviet Union.

"As a democratic country, Canada never recognized the Soviet Union's occupation of the Baltic states, and always supported these courageous nations in their struggle for freedom during more than 50 years of oppression.

"Since reclaiming their independence, the Baltic states have made remarkable strides. They have taken their rightful place among the community of free and autonomous nations, entered the European Union, and joined Canada as members of NATO.

"Bilateral ties between Canada and the Baltic states have progressed in the areas of commerce, diplomacy, defence cooperation and people-to-people relations.

"Today, we are proud to count Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania among our most valued friends and allies, and we look forward to a bright future together."
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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