Monday, August 08, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada in Brasília, Brazil

August 8, 2011
Brasília, Brazil

Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the following remarks while on an official visit in Brasília, Brazil:

"First, I would like to thank President Rousseff and all of the Brazilian people on behalf of the Canadian delegation, for their warm hospitality.

"As some of you know, my friend and colleague, Public Works Minister Rona Ambrose, grew up in Brazil.

"She has often spoken of her fond memories of your country and created in me, an appetite to experience the beauty, the history and the energy of this great country that you call home.

"I must say that I am also intrigued by Brazil's recent experience.

"Your remarkable emergence as a global economic power and your embrace of democratic reforms after many years of autocratic rule, are an inspiration to struggling peoples everywhere.

"So, although this is my first visit to this magnificent country, I don't intend it to be my last.

"Indeed, I anticipate spending more time on this continent, as we pursue our Americas Strategy.

"In 2007, we took the decision that Canada should make every effort to develop closer relations, especially closer trade relations with the nations of this hemisphere.

"The free trade agreements we have already signed and the discussions underway show that our Strategy is moving forward.

"Brazil, with all its vitality and its enterprising spirit, is a tremendously important part of our plans.

"I am therefore delighted to announce that President Rousseff and I have had cordial, productive discussions not just on Brazil-Canada relations and but also on global concerns.

"These included in-depth discussions of the global economic and financial situation.

"We shall continue to work together in the G-20 and push forward global stability and the global economic recovery.

"We also welcomed the return of Honduras to the Organization of American States and confirmed Haiti's continued need for the support of its hemispheric neighbours.

"We have witnessed the signing, just a few moments ago, of key bilateral agreements in the areas of air transport, social security, international assistance, academic programs, and science, technology and innovation.

"And Brazil will host the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, and thus xwe have signed a Memorandum of Understanding through which Canada's considerable Olympic expertise will be made available to the Brazilian Olympic Committee.

"And now, of great importance, as you have just heard from the President, I am delighted that we are establishing The Canada-Brazil CEO Forum.

"The organization will nurture the already deep commercial ties between our great nations.

"There is, of course, a common purpose to all of these agreements: it is to deepen collaboration and to promote mutual prosperity.

"Brazil and Canada are natural partners in such an undertaking.

"We share the fundamental values of democracy, diversity and human rights.

"We both strive for peace and prosperity at home while accepting our international responsibilities.

"We have both been successfully weathering the headwinds of the global economy due to strong fundamentals.

"And, while we understand that we do compete, we also understand that trade is a vital tool for our mutual goals of greater security, expanded wealth and more jobs.

"I am therefore extremely pleased that Canada has initiated exploratory free-trade discussions with Mercosur.

"Further, we have committed to pursue a Joint Action Plan an outgrowth of an earlier science and technology agreement that will bring new knowledge to the marketplace.

"Through foreign ministers, we are also committed to sustaining a regular dialogue to better understand how we can help each other reach our mutual goals.

"Now it remains only for you, Madam President, to come and see us in Canada.

"As I said at lunch, we would love to have you come north, come soon, and to give you a taste of all things Canadian."

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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