Thursday, September 01, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada while in Paris, France for a meeting on the future of Libya

September 1, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the following remarks while in Paris, France for a meeting on the future of Libya:

"I had two sets of meeting today. First of all we had a smaller meeting with the principal participants in the military mission and the Libyan National Council, and of course we have also had a larger meeting with all of the countries and organizations represented here.

"These discussions with the National Transitional Council on the future of Libya were useful and productive. The key for the NTC is to avoid reprisals, to seek justice through the courts, to repair basic state functions and to begin the transition to a government representative of all Libyans and that speaks for all Libyans.

"To give the NTC the best chance at ensuring the best transition of power it is essential that the Libyan people experience normal life as soon as possible. This will require resources. Therefore our government has today lifted all unilaterally imposed sanctions, unfreezing Libyan assets exclusively under Canadian regulations. More importantly, Canada is calling for the unfreezing of assets currently held under United Nations resolutions and we are working with the UN to achieve this."
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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