Thursday, September 09, 2010

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM announces support for Diefenbaker Canada Centre

September 9, 2010
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced support to rejuvenate the Diefenbaker Canada Centre, helping the Centre maintain and promote Canadian research, culture and history. The announcement comes as the Centre celebrates two key milestones: the fiftieth anniversary of the Canadian Bill of Rights and the thirtieth birthday of the Centre itself.

"John Diefenbaker believed all Canadians were equal before the law, and that the powers of government were not without limit. Above all, he believed in freedom," Prime Minister Harper said. "To give practical expression to these profoundly valuable ideas, he stood before the House of Commons on Dominion Day in 1960, and introduced Canada's Bill of Rights. It is entirely fitting that 50 years after John Diefenbaker endowed Canada with its Bill of Rights, our Government continues to support the Diefenbaker Canada Centre as an important national treasure."

The Harper Government and the University of Saskatchewan are providing a substantial joint investment to support upgrades at the Diefenbaker Canada Centre. The investment will improve the Centre's capacity to display the valuable artefacts, political collections and memorabilia that complement the Centre's academic programming. The Centre honours the legacy of John George Diefenbaker, Canada's 13th Prime Minister and one of Canada's great leaders.

"We recognize government's responsibility to maintain and care for our nation's heritage," the Prime Minister added. "And so, it is with the greatest satisfaction that I announce this partnership with the University of Saskatchewan to rejuvenate the Diefenbaker Canada Centre."

The Government of Canada is supporting the project through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, a key component of Canada's Economic Action Plan that invests in infrastructure projects across Canada to stimulate economic activity and create jobs.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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