Wednesday, October 13, 2010

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM marks 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Canada

October 13, 2010
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today participated in a conference in Ottawa to mark the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Canada and China.

In his speech, Prime Minister Harper spoke of the dynamic and expanding relationship between the two countries, while highlighting a number of bilateral accomplishments in the past year. Two significant trade-related accomplishments include staged access for Canadian beef to the Chinese market and the granting of Approved Destination Status to Canada. Other accomplishments include new agreements on climate change, mineral resources, cultural and agricultural education, tourism, environmental protection, energy conservation and law enforcement.

"Today's anniversary reminds us of our shared heritage, and our common potential," said Prime Minister Harper. "It is an opportunity to celebrate not only 40 years of diplomatic relations, but also a growing partnership and a bright future for our two countries."

The Prime Minister noted how Canada's energy resources, favourable business climate, geographic proximity and recent billion dollar investment in Pacific coast infrastructure make it an ideal trading and commercial partner for China.

"As the centre of gravity of the world economy swings towards the Pacific, we are in a unique position to cooperate for our mutual benefit," said the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Harper added that the recent opening of the Chinatown Gateway in Ottawa is a fitting tribute to the friendship and shared history between the two countries.

"The friendship between China and Canada has also grown in recent years in the context of a frank and respectful dialogue on the universal principles of human rights and the rule of law," continued the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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