Saturday, May 28, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

International Experience Canada

May 28, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

International Experience Canada (IEC) is an initiative that helps youth between 18 and 35 years of age experience the world by traveling, living and working abroad. IEC started as a cultural exchange program with Germany in 1951 and, in the 60 years since its creation, has expanded to include 32 bilateral youth mobility framework arrangements around the world.

Canada's continued commitment to foster cultural exchanges between young people is bolstered by the recently signed bilateral youth mobility agreement with Greece. Keeping true to IEC's mission, the aim of the Canada-Greece Youth Mobility Agreement is to foster close bilateral relations between Canada and Greece through exchanges that give young people a better understanding of the other country's culture through travel, life and work experiences. IEC also helps enrich the personal and professional development of participants.

Since 1995, over 611,000 participants have taken part in the IEC – 75,443 alone in 2010.

Once the Canada-Greece Youth Mobility Agreement comes into force, Canadian and Greek citizens between 18 and 35 years of age can choose to embark on their own journey from one of three IEC categories:

Young Professionals — For those who are graduates from post-secondary or higher education institutions and who intend to obtain work experience in the host country under a pre-arranged contract of employment in support of their career development.

International Co-op — For those who are registered students at post-secondary or higher education institutions in their home country and who intend to fulfill part of their academic curriculum in the host country by completing pre-arranged practical training related to their field of studies.

Working Holiday — For those who want to supplement their travel experience with temporary work abroad.

For further information, consult the International Experience Canada..
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