Tuesday, August 09, 2011

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (http://www.pm.gc.ca/)

PM announces Canadian co-chair of Canada-Brazil CEO Forum

August 10, 2011
Brasília, Brazil

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the appointment of Mr. Rick Waugh as Canadian co-chair of the new Canada-Brazil CEO Forum. The Canada-Brazil CEO Forum is a new initiative that will help Canadian and Brazilian businesses grow bilateral trade and increase investment between the two countries.

"Our Government is committed to opening new markets for Canadian businesses to create jobs and ensure our long-term prosperity," Prime Minister Harper said. "As President and CEO of Scotiabank and an advocate of deeper economic ties with Canada's partners in the Americas, Rick Waugh's role within this new Forum will help strengthen the economic relationship between our countries."

Increasing and deepening trade and investment between Canada and Brazil will directly benefit Canadian workers, businesses and their families, by creating jobs and prosperity, and promoting economic growth, while also strengthening Canada's competitive position within the global economy. These objectives are consistent with Canada's Engagement in the Americas strategy, which includes a focus on increasing commercial ties that contribute to creating new business opportunities and jobs.

Brazil has selected Mr. Murilo Ferreira, President and CEO of Vale S.A., as its co-chair. Mr. Ferreira brings extensive experience to the Forum as the head of one of the world's largest mining companies.

Both co-chairs will begin the process of identifying Forum participants.

Biographical notes for Mr. Rick Waugh are attached.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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