Tuesday, August 09, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (http://www.pm.gc.ca/)

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on National Peacekeepers' Day

August 9, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement to mark National Peacekeepers' Day:

"For over 60 years, Canada has sent her sons and daughters around the world to promote values we hold so dear: peace, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Today, we salute Canada's peacekeepers, who have always been willing to step forward to serve our country and the world in times of need.

"Peacekeepers do more than just walk a line, keeping warring factions apart. They deliver humanitarian aid, help refugees return to their homes and ensure their continued safety by clearing mines and other dangers left over from conflicts. Peacekeepers also help nurture stable government and human rights by supporting elections, and training police forces and the judiciary.

"Canada has participated in the majority of United Nations and NATO peacekeeping operations, sending tens of thousands of men and women to more than 40 countries on the brink of collapse.

"Today, I join all Canadians in remembering the peacekeepers who have sacrificed so much, even their lives, so others can know peace. Each one has made a real and lasting difference by helping to bring freedom and democracy to countries devastated by conflict. As Canadians, we take pride in their efforts and we are grateful for their service."
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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