Wednesday, March 29, 2006


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Address to the National Caucus

March 28, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Thank you very much for the opportunity to be here with you today as we prepare for a new parliament and a new Speech from the Throne.

I know all of you have worked very hard…

… and your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

On January 23, Canadians voted for change.

And they asked our party to lead that change.

Change that will bring accountability back to Ottawa.

Change that will deliver real results for ordinary working families.

Change that will allow us to build a Canada that is strong, united, independent and free.

That is quite a challenge, my friends.

But Canadians have placed their trust in us and we will prove ourselves worthy of that trust.

We will keep our promises.

Of course, not everyone is happy about the change Canadians want.

Take for instance our new Official Opposition.

To hear the Liberals talk, you’d think they’re entitled to be in power.

You’d think that the recent election in which 70% of Canadian voters called for change had never occurred.

Or if it did occur, people should vote again to get it right.

Well, that election did occur, Canadians voted for change; they don’t want to vote again.

They want us to deliver change and that is what we will do.

So what are we going to do?

That’s easy – we’re going to keep the promises we made to Canadians during the election.

First of all, we’re going to clean up the mess in Ottawa.

Ordinary Canadians were horrified by the abuse committed in connection with the sponsorship scandal.

They simply could not believe that their tax dollars – the money they worked so hard for – was diverted for partisan political ends.

This will not happen again.

This will not happen again. We will introduce a new Federal Accountability Act.

This Act that will:

  • Toughen rules governing lobbying;

  • Give more power to independent officers of Parliament;

  • Provide real protection for whistleblowers; and

  • End the influence of big money in federal political parties through campaign finance reform.

The days of $5000 lobbying parties are over.

In other words, Canadians have voted in the effective and honest government they had dreamt of, and which they are entitled to.

And their tax dollars will be used in a responsible and respectful manner.

Cutting the GST

We will then help ordinary canadians to make both ends meet by cutting the GST from 7% to 6% and eventually to 5%.

We will lower taxes, beginning with the GST because we want Canadians to keep more of their income for the necessities of life.

  • Whether it’s saving for their children’s education;
  • Reducing the price of big purchases like a vehicle or an appliance; or
  • Lowering the cost on everyday items.

These cuts will mean hundreds of dollars more in the pockets of Canadians every year.

We will bring forth a series of tax measures in our budget.

These will mean not just lower taxes, but change in the way tax reduction is done.

Because, in our government, every single household will experience tax relief, and every household will be better off.

Making communities safer

We’re also going to make our communities safer – by cracking down on crime.

Canadians must be able to walk downtown without worrying about a stray bullet fired by a gang member or a car spinning out of control during a street race.

We’ll do this – not by attacking farmers or duck hunters – but by giving police and the legal system the tools they need to do their jobs.

And we will attack the problem of youth crime at the source by helping youth to make the right choices.

Strengthening families

We’re going to strengthen families by increasing the childcare options available to parents.

Because we know that every family is different and that there is no cookie-cutter approach that can meet the needs of every family.

That is why we will give them the choice by providing $1200 a year to parents for each child under 6. The Liberals are offering them absolutely nothing!

You know, the Liberals want Canadians to believe that the choice facing Canadians is between our program and theirs.

But that’s a false choice. For their plan is no plan at all.

After 13 years, there never actually were any free, universally-accessible, readily-available Liberal childcare spaces as they like to claim.

Which means that for parents, the choice is clear:

Our government is offering $1200 per year. The Liberals are offering zero.

Our government has a real tax incentive plan to create 125,000 at-work daycare spaces.

The Liberals' plan consists of nothing more than shifting day care money between politicians.

Our plan delivers direct financial assistance. Their plan does not.

Our plan will create daycare spaces. Their plan did not.

Canadians want real child care choice and that is what this government will deliver.

We’re also going to give Canadians the health care they’ve paid for by working with the provinces and developing a patients wait times guarantee.

Such a system will let people get publicly funded care in another region if they cannot get it in their own region.

  • The medical care they need within a reasonable time.

The idea here is to provide canadians with more options and greater flexibility

  • We must work to banish forever the prospect of people dying while they wait for treatment.

During the campaign and since then, we clearly indicated that we would act to strengthen our federation.

And I can tell you that all Premiers share this willingness with us.

Quebecers in large numbers want to turn the page on these pointless squabbles.

And we will work hard to make sure that more of them want to join us, by working with them; not against them.

The Federal Government will no longer act like Mr. or Ms. Know-it-all, and Quebec will find in us a true partner.

Finally we are going to make Canada stronger and safer.

We will act to prevent:

  • Criminals smuggling guns and drugs into Canada; and

  • Terrorists who might try to unleash fear and death in this country.

We will protect Canada’s sovereignty in the Arctic and strengthen Canada’s place in the world by means of a “Canada first” defense strategy aimed at repairing years of Liberal neglect.

We're going to restore this country’s ability to defend its borders – so we can keep this country we love strong, united, independent and free.

And we’re going to show Canada’s leadership in the world by making an appreciable and appreciated contribution on the international scene.

As we are doing in Afghanistan, where our young men and women are doing an admirable job.

And that is why we stand foursquare behind the work, the hardship and the sacrifice of our young men and women in uniform in Afghanistan.

In conclusion, my friends, Canadians have seen the past.

And they’re tired of it.

So it’s up to us to fix the mess and deliver a bright new future.

We know what we have to do.

We know what we want to achieve.

And friends, make no mistake about it, Canadians are with us.

Quebecers are also with us in large numbers.

It is up to us to work hard to ensure that more of them want to join us.

But in a minority Parliament, more than ever, we’re going to need your help.

And we’re going to need the active support and involvement of Canadians right across this country

  • Writing, e-mailing, faxing and telephoning their MPs telling them to get with the plan.

Our plan to build a better Canada, in which a strong Quebec can occupy its legitimate and rightful place.

Thank you all for coming today for the work you’ve done to get us this far and for this show of enthusiastic support for all we are trying to achieve.

Thank you, thank you very much. God bless Canada!


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