Friday, April 21, 2006


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Address by the Prime Minister on the Government's commitment to get tough on crimes involving weapons, gangs and drugs

April 19, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Notes for an Address by

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada

For Delivery At the Winnipeg Convention Centre



Thank you, Vic,

Colleagues from the Parliament of Canada,

Premier Doer and Members of the Legislature,

Mayor Katz and Members of City Council,

Jennifer Jones and other honoured guests,

Pierre Blouin and our sponsors from MTS Allstream,

Chairman McClellan and members of the Chamber of Commerce,

Ladies and gentlemen.

First of all, let me say that it gives me great pleasure to be here in Winnipeg today.

Not least because I can see in one room the tremendous Manitobans I have the honour to work with in Ottawa.

We have great veterans like Joy Smith and Steven Fletcher here in Winnipeg, Vic Toews and Merv Tweed (Inky Mark, Brian Pallister, James Bezan, Janis Johnson, Terry Stratton) as well, and of course our newest addition to the Conservative caucus, of whom we’re very proud, Rod Bruinooge.

They’re a great team. And they work hard. For their constituents. For Manitoba. And for Canada.

Together with their colleagues from across Canada, they are working to make our new national Government one that keeps its commitments to Canadians.

Our Mission

We have a plan, and we are committed to implementing that plan.

And in our first Speech from the Throne, we identified five immediate priorities that we’ll be acting on starting this spring.

Today I’d like to talk to you about our commitment to get tough on crimes involving weapons, gangs and drugs– a commitment we’re going to keep.

Ladies and gentlemen, on January 23 Canadians voted for real change.

And they asked our party to lead that change.

We have responded by presenting Canadians with an agenda for change.

Change that will restore accountability and integrity to government in Ottawa;

Change that will renew federalism in order to build a Canada that works for all of us;

Change that will give Canada a more meaningful role on the international stage;

And change that will ensure opportunity and prosperity for all Canadians, not just a privileged few.

In short, an agenda that moves on past scandal and inaction in order to provide accountability and direction for Canada.
Five Priorities
As we made clear in our Speech from the Throne, our immediate agenda has five priorities. Not fifteen. Not fifty. Five.

We know what we want to do.

And we have a plan and a focus to get it done.

Our plan starts with the Federal Accountability Act – a program to clean up government and make politicians accountable for your money.

We will move forward to cut taxes for all Canadians - starting with a cut to the GST from seven to six percent, and eventually to five percent.

We will work with the provinces to establish a Patient Wait Times Guarantee – giving Canadians the health care they need, when they need it.

As I told parents in Vancouver yesterday, we will also deliver universal choice in child care to Canadian families by providing parents with $1200 per year per child under six.

And, perhaps most importantly, we will work to safeguard the Canadian way of life by tackling the growing problem of gun, gang and drug crime.

Cracking down on crime

This is what I want to talk to you about today.

Canada is a great country, and one of the things that has made Canada a great country has been our traditionally low crime rates.

Peaceful, law-abiding communities are an integral part of Canada’s traditional identity and values.

And there is no better embodiment of these important values than the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Created in 1873 by Sir John A. Macdonald, the North West Mounted Police – as they were then called – were instrumental in bringing law and order to the Canadian West.

In much of western Canada, the law arrived before the settlers – a very different history and experience than we saw in the United States.

Canadians are rightly proud of this heritage.

Times, however, are changing.

Our communities are changing.

And the safe streets and safe neighbourhoods that Canadians have come to expect as being part of our way of life are being threatened by rising levels of gun, gang, and drug crime.

As you know, Winnipeg has not escaped this nation-wide problem.

This city – a centre of cultural excellence, sporting enthusiasm and charitable activity – is nevertheless plagued with far too many break-ins, car thefts, homicides and other violent crimes.

Many have tried to ignore the increase in gun, gang, and drug crime.

Some have tried to play it down.

Others have even gone so far as to blame it all on “social exclusion.”

But friends, pretending that something doesn’t exist, playing down the problem, or making excuses is not going to solve the problem.

As a country, we have a choice to make.

Do we confront the problem directly or go on the same way and let it get worse?

For me. For the members of our Manitoba caucus. For Canada’s new national Government, the answer is clear: we are going to do something.

This spring, we will undertake the first three steps in our plan to introduce comprehensive criminal justice reforms.

Led by Justice Minister Toews, the respected former Attorney General of this province, we will:

- introduce mandatory minimum prison sentences for serious, repeat and violent crime,
- end the practice of conditional sentences and house arrest,
- and raise the age of consent for sexual relations between children and adults from 14 to 16 years of age.

The action will start this Spring.

As part of our comprehensive justice reforms, we will move forward on three key fronts this Spring.

Mandatory Minimum Sentences

First, we will introduce mandatory minimum prison sentences for:

• Serious drug trafficking and weapons offences;

• Crimes committed while on parole;

• And for violent and repeat offenders.

This measure will go a long way to help beat back the epidemic of guns, gangs, and drugs that is plaguing our streets.

Tackling this crime is critical because it is becoming increasingly clear that rising levels of gun, gang and drug crime are not just a series of tragic, random events.

Organized criminal enterprise is fuelling much of the crime problem. And it will take committed national and provincial governments as well as local police forces to combat this plague.

The stark reality of organized crime was driven home with force with the recent discovery of eight murdered men on a farm outside of London, Ontario.

It is believed that the executed men were members of the notorious Bandidos biker gang.

This crime - one which police have referred to as “an internal cleansing” - has both shocked and horrified Canadians across the country.

And rightly so.

Such systematic violence has no place in Canadian society.

And let me be clear, our Government has absolutely no intention of standing by and allowing this plague of violent, organized crime to grow unchecked.

To those who would traffic drugs in order to peddle them to our children, our message is clear…

To those who would smuggle guns across our border, our message is clear…

To those who would bring terror to our streets through their violent activity, our message is clear:

We will empower the police and the prosecutors with the tools they need to discover your enterprises, shut them down and put you behind bars.

Ending Conditional Sentences

Second, and closely related, we will move forward on putting an end to conditional sentences.

Simply put, the current practice of allowing some criminals who have been convicted of serious violent, sexual, weapons, and drug offences to serve out their sentences at home is unconscionable.

Under Canada’s new national Government, serious offenders are going to serve their out sentences where they ought to – in prison.

Raising the Age of Consent

Third, this spring we will undertake the first step in our plans to protect our children.

Specifically, we will protect young people by raising the age of consent for sexual relations between adults and children from 14 to 16 years of age.

As you all know, this change will bring us in line with most of the world. It is long overdue, and is particularly important in the age of the internet when young people are targeted by cyber predators.

The Next Moves Forward

These three key justice reforms will be only the beginning of our plan to reform criminal justice in this country.

One step at a time, we will create a criminal justice system that makes its priorities the punishment of crime, the primacy of the victim and the protection of law-abiding society.

There will be many other measures, including new investments of federal money for crime prevention targeted toward at-risk youth.

We understand that not every child is born into a good home.

- homes where loving parents lead by example and teach right from wrong.

And all too often, even such youth – often at too young an age – get caught up with the wrong crowd.

Government cannot ensure that every child or every family will make the right choices.

But we can facilitate the making of right choices. We can provide more opportunities for the making of right choices.

And that is exactly what we will do with our smart choices plan.

We will invest in community-based educational, cultural, sporting and vocational opportunities to provide both hope and support to youth at risk.

And we will also implement a national drug strategy that will equip our youth with the knowledge they need to reject the risks of a lifestyle of drugs.

Where Does the Opposition Stand?

Ladies and gentlemen, during the last election campaign, we heard a lot about cracking down on crime.

But for 13 years the Liberals and the other opposition parties opposed every measure to strength criminal justice and protect law-abiding Canadians.

So the question for the Opposition is simple. Do they support our direct measures to toughen criminal justice?

Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, the coming weeks and months will be active ones for our Government.

We know what we want to do. And we have a plan to do it.

We have made a decision to crack down on crime and we are going to stick to it.

But we are in a minority Parliament, and that means there are decisions that have to be made by the other parties, especially on the issue of crime.

Over the past 13 years, as we sat across from the Liberals, we watched them – and all too often the other opposition parties as well – oppose, time and time again, each and every criminal justice reform we brought forward.

You will remember that for the last government and its allies, as organized gang, gun and drug crime got worse, their priority was spending hundreds of millions of dollars, year after year, on a long-gun registry – a billion-dollar boondoggle to keep Canadians safe from duck hunters.

You will also remember, during the recent election campaign, how every one of these parties seemed to do a complete about-face and began talking tough on crime and the criminals who commit them.

Now I am a religious man, so I believe in conversion. Why, I even believe in death-bed conversion.

But I am looking for evidence.

Our clear agenda to crack down on crime will force the Liberals and others to take a stand.

We will bring in each measure in a separate bill.

Will they support mandatory minimum sentences for serious, violent and repeat crime, especially gun crime?

Will they work with us to put an end to house arrest?

And will they help us raise the age of consent in order to protect children?

We know where Canadians stand.

They are with us.

It’s now time for the Opposition to tell us where they stand.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Canada’s new national government will keep its commitment to Canada’s communities.

Canadians have a right to live in safe streets and safe neighbourhoods.

We have promised to take action, and we will act on those promises.

In this minority Parliament, Canadians need to let all Members of Parliament know they want action.

Ladies and Gentlemen, every Canadian should be able to live in a safe and vibrant community.

When one community suffers, the ripple effects are slowly felt across the country.

What sense of community can you have when people are fearful to walk the streets?

When neighbours look upon each other with suspicion and unease?

When crimes are committed and the law looks the other way?

This is not the Canada we inherited, not the Canada I knew as a boy, not the Canada that today’s generation deserves to grow up in.

We can do better.

And we will.

That is why our new national Government will move forward with actions aimed at cracking down on crime.

This is the commitment we made to Canadians during the election, and it is the commitment that we intend to deliver as Government.

As you know, however, our Government is in a minority position.

That is why we need this message delivered clearly to all of Canada’s Members of Parliament:

If you support mandatory minimum sentences…

If you support an end to house arrest…

And if you support raising the age of consent…

Call your Member of Parliament and tell them to get with the plan.

To be frank, after all the tough talk of the election campaign, to hinder the implementation of these long-overdue reforms would be inexcusable.

Together, we can tackle the growing problem of gun, gang and drug crime

And we can protect the Canadian way of life.

So to ensure that it becomes a reality, Canadians like yourselves must write, call, or email MPs to let them know that this isn’t just our priority, but your priority as well.

In closing, I’d like to reiterate my unshakeable belief that the best is yet to come for Manitoba and Winnipeg and for all parts of this great country.

In the weeks and months ahead, our Government is going to continue to move this country forward.

Together, I am confident that we can achieve great things.

Thank you very much.

The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister on the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II

April 21, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement on the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II:

“It is with great pleasure that I wish Queen Elizabeth II a very happy 80th birthday.

“On this very special occasion, I hope that she will enjoy a wonderful celebration with family and friends. This important milestone is an opportunity for all to honour her for her many years of courageous and caring leadership. She has earned great respect, admiration and affection from her friends, family and the people of the Commonwealth.

“On behalf of my colleagues in the Government of Canada and my wife Laureen, I offer her our very best wishes for health and happiness on this day and in the years ahead.”
The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement from the Prime Minister on day of commemoration of Armenian Genocide

April 21, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement on the commemoration of the Armenian genocide

“I would like to extend my sincere greetings to all of those marking this sombre anniversary of the Medz Yeghern.

“Ninety-one years ago the Armenian people experienced terrible suffering and loss of life. In recent years the Senate of Canada adopted a motion acknowledging this period as ‘the first genocide of the twentieth century,’ while the House of Commons adopted a motion that ‘acknowledges the Armenian genocide of 1915 and condemns this act as a crime against humanity.’ I and my party supported those resolutions, and continue to recognize them today.

“We must never forget the lessons of history. Nor should we allow the enmities of history to divide us. The freedom, democracy, and human rights enjoyed by all Canadians are rooted in our mutual respect for one another.

“I join with you today in remembering the past, while I encourage you to continue honouring your forefathers by building a bright future for all in Canada.

The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Prime Minister announces change in Parliamentary Secretaries

April 21, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced that Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, has agreed upon his recommendation that a change in Parliamentary Secretaries will be made.

The appointments made by Order in Council on February 7th, 2006 have been changed as follows:

James Abbott – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage

Diane Ablonczy – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance

Jason Kenney – Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister

Deepak Obhrai – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

David L. Anderson – Parliamentary Secretary (for the Canadian Wheat Board) to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board

Betty Hinton – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Veterans Affairs

James Moore – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for the Pacific Gateway and the Vancouver-Whistler Olympics

Lynne Yelich – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development

Colin Carrie – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Industry

Steven J. Fletcher – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health

Helena Guergis – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Trade

Russ Hiebert – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence

Brian Jean – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities

Randy Kamp – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

Ed Komarnicki – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Tom Lukiwski – Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister for Democratic Reform

Dave MacKenzie – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Safety

Ted Menzies – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for International Cooperation

Sylvie Boucher – Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister and Minister for La Francophonie and Official Languages

Rob Moore – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Pierre Poilievre – Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board

Peter Van Loan – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Mark Warawa – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment

Rod Bruinooge – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians

Jacques Gourde – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board

Christian Paradis – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources

The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Prime Minister nominates first chairperson of the Public Appointments Commission

April 21, 2006
Toronto, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper was pleased to announce today the nomination of Gwyn Morgan as the first Chairperson of the new Public Appointments Commission. This proposed appointment will be referred to the Standing Committee of the House of Commons on Government Operations and Estimates for review. The Government of Canada looks forward to receiving the results of the Committee’s review as soon as possible.

“Gwyn Morgan is an outstanding Canadian and, throughout his career, has been a champion of transparency and ethics in the private and public sectors,” stated the Prime Minister. “I am delighted that he has accepted this new challenge that will lead to more open, honest and accountable government for Canadians. And, he has agreed to do it for $1 a year.”

Gwyn Morgan, from Calgary, Alberta, has led the building of one of the world’s leading oil and gas companies and Canada’s largest energy company, EnCana Corporation. Mr. Morgan was President and Chief Executive Officer of EnCana from 2002 until stepping down on January 1, 2006. Mr. Morgan is counted among Canada’s most respected business leaders and his accomplishments have been recognized through numerous awards and honorary distinctions, including being named Canada’s most respected CEO in 2005 in a survey conducted by Ipsos Reid.

The mandate of the Public Appointments Commission is to oversee and report on the selection process for Governor in Council appointments to agencies, boards, commissions and Crown corporations. The Commission will develop guidelines, review and approve the selection processes proposed by Ministers to fill vacancies within their portfolios, and report publicly on the Government’s compliance with the guidelines.

“By establishing the Public Appointments Commission, the Government is implementing a key component of its overall plan to strengthen accountability in government as outlined in the Federal Accountability Act,” stated the Prime Minister. “The Commission will provide the necessary oversight to ensure that the selection of individuals is based on merit and is done in an open and transparent way.”

The Public Appointments Commission is provided for in the Federal Accountability Act which was tabled in the House of Commons on April 11th, 2006.

* * * * *


The mandate of the Public Appointments Commission is to oversee and report on the selection process for Governor in Council appointments. The Commission will ensure that competitions for government appointments are widely publicized and fairly conducted.

In carrying out its mandate, the Commission will:

  • establish guidelines governing selection processes for Governor in Council appointments to agencies, boards, commissions and Crown corporations;

  • approve the selection processes proposed by Ministers to fill vacancies within agencies, boards, commissions and Crown corporations for which they are responsible;

  • monitor, review and evaluate selection processes in order to ensure that they are implemented as approved; and,

  • provide an annual report to the Prime Minister, to be tabled in both Houses of Parliament, on the Government’s performance in following the code of practice.

    Located within the Prime Minister’s portfolio, the Public Appointments Commission will be composed of a Chairperson and four Commissioners. They will be supported in their work by a small secretariat, which is currently being established. The Secretariat will be headed by an Executive Director, Mr. Peter Harrison, an experienced Deputy Minister with considerable background in human resource management. Biographical information on Mr. Harrison is attached.

    Guidelines governing the appointment process will be in place by early Fall. In the interim, the Government will make necessary appointments as required, ensuring that fair and open selection processes based on merit are followed. To this end, a government website will be established to list positions that are to be filled. The address for the website will be

    * * * * *


    Gwyn Morgan, from Calgary, Alberta, is one of Canada’s most distinguished business leaders. A petroleum engineering graduate from the University of Alberta, he led the building of one of the world’s leading oil and gas companies and Canada’s largest energy company, EnCana Corporation. Mr. Morgan was founding President and Chief Executive Officer of EnCana from 2002 until stepping down on January 1, 2006. Mr. Morgan has been recognized through numerous awards and honorary distinctions, including being named Canada’s most respected CEO in 2005 in a survey conducted by Ipsos Reid of 250 business leaders in Canada. An inductee to the Alberta Business Hall of Fame, he has served on the Boards of a number of organizations in the private and not-for-profit sectors, including HSBC Bank of Canada, the SNC-Lavallin Group, Alcan Inc., the Public Policy Forum, the Fraser Institute and the Calgary University Hospital. Mr. Morgan was also the co-chair of the Calgary Fundraising Committee for the Northern Alberta Children’s Health Centre, co-Chair of the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference, and is an honorary Colonel (retired) of the 410 Tactical Fighter Squadron, Canadian Air Force.

    Gwyn Morgan is recognized for his self-discipline and integrity, and his strong belief that a corporation should be a positive social and ethical force.

    * * * * *


    Date of Birth:
    March 1947

    B.A. (First Class Honours), Geography, London School of Economics (London, England)
    M.A., Geography, University of Victoria (British Columbia)
    Ph.D., Geography, University of Washington (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A)

    Professional Experience

    April 2003 to Present
    Senior Research Fellow, Department of Industry/NRC

    May 2002 to April 2003
    Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

    October 1999 - April 2002
    Deputy Minister of Natural Resources

    June 1998 - October 1999
    Head, The Leadership Network

    December 1995 - June 1998
    Associate Deputy Minister of Human Resources Development and Vice-Chairperson of the Canada Employment Insurance Commission (On assignment as Head of the La Relève Task Force from January 1997 until June 1998)

    April 1993 - December 1995
    Assistant Deputy Minister, Human Resources, Revenue Canada

    April 1991 - April 1993
    Deputy Principal, Canadian Centre for Management Development

    August 1989 - April 1991
    Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Priorities and Planning, Privy Council Office

    December 1987 - August 1989
    Assistant Deputy Minister, Economic Development, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

    April 1984 - December 1987
    Director, Social Policy Division; then General Director, Economic Development Policy Branch Department of Finance

    June 1981 - April 1984
    Assistant Director, Minerals, Northern Development and Special Projects, Department of Finance

    1973 - 1981
    Assistant, then Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University of Ottawa

    1970 - 1973
    Research Associate, Department of Economics, University of Washington
    The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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  • Speech

    From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

    Phone-in statement about Lowell Green for the roast on his 50th Anniversary in Canadian broadcasting

    April 20, 2006
    Ottawa, Ontario

    Notes for an Address by

    The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
    Prime Minister of Canada


    Lowell, it’s Stephen calling from Ottawa. Thanks for taking my call.

    Sorry I can’t be there with you in person, but for once you will have to listen to my comments without nailing me with one of your hardball questions.

    I’m sure you can handle it. After all, it’s only fitting that after 50 years, you let others do the talking.

    Lowell, you deserve everything you get tonight.

    But you also deserve recognition as a giant of talk radio in Canada. I’m sure I speak for all your listeners in thanking you for your huge contributions to democratic debate in this great country.

    All the best and enjoy the roast – you’ve earned it!
    The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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    From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

    Prime Minister speaks to Empire Club of Canada and the Canadian Club of Toronto

    April 21, 2006
    Ottawa, Ontario

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper will addresses the Empire Club of Canada and the Canadian Club of Toronto

    Friday, April 21 at 12:20 p.m. (EST)

    Fairmont Royal York
    Canadian Room located on level C
    100 Front Street W
    Toronto, ON

    * PM expected to speak at 1:05 p.m. Open to media
    The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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