Friday, September 24, 2010


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Backgrounder: Changes in the senior ranks of the Public Service

September 24, 2010
Ottawa, Ontario

Judith Anne LaRocque


Master of Public Administration, Carleton University

Bachelor of Political Science (Honours), Carleton University

Professional Experience

Since May 2002
Deputy Minister, Canadian Heritage

2000 - 2002
Associate Deputy Minister, Canadian Heritage

1990 - 2000
Secretary to the Governor General

1989 - 1990
Chief of Staff to the Government Leader in the Senate and the Minister of State for Federal-Provincial Relations

1986 - 1989
Executive Assistant to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General for Canada

1985 - 1986
House Affairs, Office of the President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and the Minister responsible for Regulatory Affairs

1984 - 1985
Legislative Assistant to the Government House Leader

1982 - 1984
Procedural Officer and Committee Clerk, Committees and Private Legislation Branch, House of Commons

1980 - 1982
Special Assistant, Office of the Leader of the Opposition

1979 – 1980
Administrative Assistant, Internal Audit Directorate, Public Service Commission and then Writer/Researcher, Prime Minister's Office

Daniel Jean


Master of Business Administration, State University of New York

Bachelor of Social Sciences, International Relations and Economics, University of Ottawa

Executive Program, Queens University

Professional Experience

Since April 2010
Deputy Minister, Administrative Services Review, Privy Council Office

2008 - 2010
Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations), Privy Council Office

2007 - 2008
Associate Secretary of the Treasury Board, Treasury Board Secretariat

Assistant Secretary, International Affairs, Security and Justice Sector, Treasury Board Secretariat

2006 - 2007
Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations, Citizenship and Immigration

2003 - 2006
Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Program Development, Citizenship and Immigration

2000 - 2003
Director General, International Region, Citizenship and Immigration

1995 - 2000
Counsellor (Immigration), Canadian Embassy in Washington, Citizenship and Immigration

1992 - 1995
Director, Immigration Control, Citizenship and Immigration

1990 - 1992
Counsellor and Consul, Canadian Embassy in Port-au-Prince (Haiti), Foreign Affairs and International Trade

1988 - 1990
First Secretary (Immigration), Canadian Commission in Hong Kong, Foreign Affairs and International Trade

1985 - 1988
Vice-Consul (Immigration), Canadian Consulate General in Buffalo, New York, Foreign Affairs and International Trade

1983 - 1985
Second Secretary (Immigration), Canadian Embassy in Port-au-Prince (Haiti), Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Catherine (Cassie) Doyle


Master of Social Work, Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University

Bachelor of Sociology, University of Victoria

Professional Experience

Since July 2006
Deputy Minister, Natural Resources

2003 - 2006
Associate Deputy Minister, Environment Canada

2002 - 2003
Assistant Deputy Minister, Human Resources and Service Innovation, Environment Canada

1999 - 2001
President and CEO, British Columbia Assets and Land Corporation

1997 - 1999
Deputy Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks, Government of British Columbia

1996 - 1997
Deputy Minister of Small Business, Tourism and Culture, Government of British Columbia

1993 - 1996
Deputy Minister of Housing, Recreation and Consumer Services, Government of British Columbia

1992 - 1993
Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Government of British Columbia

1990 - 1992
Director of Operations, Non-Profit Housing Corporation, City of Ottawa

1988 - 1990
Director of Planning, Department of Housing and Property, City of Ottawa

Executive Director, International Year of Shelter for the Homeless

1984 - 1986
Manager of Policy, Department of Housing and Property, City of Ottawa

1982 - 1984
Policy Officer, Department of Housing and Planning, City of Ottawa

Serge Dupont


International Diploma, Public Administration, École Nationale d'Administration, Paris

Master of Management Sciences, University of Waterloo

Bachelor of Management Sciences (Operational Research), University of Ottawa

Professional Experience

Since July 2009
Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Privy Council Office and Special Advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources on Nuclear Energy Policy

2008 - 2009
Associate Deputy Minister, Natural Resources

2005 - 2008
Director General and then Assistant Deputy Minister, Financial Sector Policy, Finance Canada

2001 - 2005
Director General, Tax Policy (Analysis), Finance Canada

1999 - 2000
Director General, Corporate Governance, Industry and Science Policy Sector, Industry Canada

1997 - 1999
Corporate Secretary, Industry Canada

1996 - 1997
Special Advisor, Deputy Minister's Office, Finance Canada

1993 - 1996
Finance Counsellor, Canadian Embassy in Paris

1991 - 1993
Chief, Current Economic Conditions, International Trade and Finance Branch, Finance Canada

1990 - 1991
Senior Analyst, then Acting Chief, Strategic Planning, Sales Tax Division, Tax Policy Branch, Finance Canada

Special Assistant to Deputy Minister, Office of Privatization and Regulatory Affairs

Representative of Public Service of Canada, International Program, École Nationale d'Administration, Paris

1986 - 1988
Analyst, Privatization Directorate, Office of Privatization and Regulatory Affairs

1983 - 1986
Researcher, Energy Policy Research Group, then Special Assistant, Office of the Chairman, Economic Council of Canada

Matthew King


Master of Public Administration, Harvard University

Bachelor of Social Science, University of Ottawa

Graduate Diploma, Public Administration, Carleton University

Professional Experience

Since July 2009
Associate Deputy Minister, Fisheries and Oceans

2007 - 2009
Assistant Deputy Minister, Science and Innovation Sector, Industry Canada

2005 - 2007
Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Legislation and House Planning and Democratic Reform, Privy Council Office

2004 - 2005
Assistant Secretary to Cabinet, Social Development Policy, Privy Council Office

2003 - 2004
Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Departmental Assessment and Alignment Project, Fisheries and Oceans

1999 - 2003
Assistant Deputy Minister, Oceans Directorate, Fisheries and Oceans

1997 - 1999
Director General, Strategic Policy Branch, Indian and Northern Affairs

Director, Economic Development, Indian and Northern Affairs

Senior Policy Advisor to the Deputy Minister, Indian and Northern Affairs

Senior Policy Advisor to the Assistant Deputy Minister, Human Resources Development Canada

1993 - 1994
Director, Federal-Provincial Relations, Fisheries and Oceans

David Bevan


Master of Business Administration, International Business, University of Ottawa

Bachelor of Science, Biology, Dalhousie University

Professional Experience

Since 2010
Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Ecosystems and Fisheries Management, Fisheries and Oceans

2004 - 2010
Assistant Deputy Minister, Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, Fisheries and Oceans

1995 - 2004
Director General, Resource Management, National Headquarters, Fisheries and Oceans

1994 - 1999
Director General, Conservation and Protection, National Headquarters, Fisheries and Oceans

1993 - 1994
Director, Inspection Services, National Headquarters, Fisheries and Oceans

Director, Fisheries and Habitat Management, Pacific Region, Fisheries and Oceans

1987 - 1993
Director, Inspection Services, National Headquarters, Fisheries and Oceans

1983 – 1987
Regional Director of Inspection, Pacific Region, Fisheries and Oceans

1975 – 1983
Various positions, Fisheries and Oceans

1973 – 1975
Various positions, Dalhousie University

Mary Chaput


Master of Public Administration, Carleton University

Bachelor of Arts, Economics, Queen's University

Bachelor, Physical Health Education, Queen's University

Professional Experience

Since September 2009
Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, Public Health Agency of Canada

2005 – 2009
Assistant Secretary, Government Operations Sector, Treasury Board Secretariat

2003 - 2005
Assistant Deputy Minister, Corporate Management Branch, Public Safety

Assistant Deputy Solicitor General, Corporate Management Branch, Solicitor General of Canada

2000 - 2003
Program Director, Government Operations and Immigration Division, Treasury Board Secretariat

1999 - 2000
Director General, Executive Secretariat, Immigration Refugee Board

Krista Outhwaite


Master of Science, University of Manitoba

Bachelor of Science, University of Guelph

Professional Experience

Since 2009
Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Operations, Privy Council Office

2007- 2009
Assistant Deputy Minister, Market and Industry Services Branch, Agriculture and Agri‑Food

2006 - 2007
Vice-President, Programs, Canadian Food Inspection Agency

2005 - 2006
Vice-President, Operations, Canadian Food Inspection Agency

2000 - 2005
Executive Director, Operations Coordination, Canadian Food Inspection Agency

1999 - 2000
Director, Food Safety and Recall, Canadian Food Inspection Agency

1997 - 1999
Regional Director, B.C. Mainland, Canadian Food Inspection Agency

1996 - 1997
Director, Inspection, Pacific Region, Fisheries and Oceans
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM announces changes in the senior ranks of the Public Service

September 24, 2010
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced today the following changes in the senior ranks of the Public Service.

Judith Anne LaRocque, currently Deputy Minister of Canadian Heritage becomes Senior Advisor to the Privy Council Office, effective October 12, pending a diplomatic appointment.

Daniel Jean, currently Deputy Minister of the Administrative Services Review, Privy Council Office, becomes Deputy Minister of Canadian Heritage, effective November 15.

Catherine (Cassie) Doyle, currently Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, becomes Senior Advisor to the Privy Council Office, effective October 12, pending a diplomatic appointment. As Senior Advisor, Ms. Doyle will focus on her role as Chair of the 2010 Community Campaign for United Way Ottawa.

Serge Dupont, currently Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Privy Council Office, becomes Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, effective October 12.

Matthew King, currently Associate Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, becomes Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence, effective October 12.

David Bevan, currently Assistant Deputy Minister of Ecosystems and Fisheries Management, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, becomes Associate Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, effective October 12.

Mary Chaput, currently Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of the Public Health Agency of Canada, becomes Associate Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs, effective October 12.

Krista Outhwaite, currently Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations), Privy Council Office, becomes Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of the Public Health Agency of Canada, effective October 12.

Biographical notes attached.

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the people of Newfoundland and Labrador

September 24, 2010
Trouty, Newfoundland and Labrador

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today expressed support for the people of Newfoundland and Labrador as they recover from Hurricane Igor. The Prime Minister toured areas affected by the hurricane and also announced that the Government of Canada would be deploying the assets and skills of the Canadian Forces to respond to a call for assistance by the province to address critical requirements in the aftermath of the storm. He was joined by Danny Williams, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Senator Fabian Manning.

"Today, I saw first hand the very serious damage caused by Hurricane Igor," said the Prime Minister. "Our Government stands behind Newfoundlanders and Labradorians and we will be dispatching Canadian Forces personnel immediately to the hardest hit areas to provide emergency supplies and to assist local authorities with medical evacuations and the rebuilding of critical infrastructure."

Prime Minister Harper visited two of the hardest hit communities, Trouty and Britannia, where he met with families, volunteers and authorities dealing with floods as well as damage to roads and bridges.

"Newfoundlanders and Labradorians affected by Hurricane Igor will face enormous challenges ahead," added the Prime Minister. "But they are facing the aftermath of the storm with their characteristic resilience and determination."
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Backgrounder: Hurricane Igor

September 24, 2010
Trouty, Newfoundland and Labrador

As a result of Hurricane Igor, the Central, Eastern and Avalon areas of the Newfoundland have experienced the worst damage in history. Over 80 communities in two of the province's major peninsulas – the Bonavista and Burin – are isolated and are running low of essential supplies with access to emergency services severely hampered by damage to roads and bridges.

Given the situation, the province of Newfoundland and Labrador has requested federal assistance to support current provincial emergency response efforts to deal with the aftermath of the hurricane.

Following rapid deliberation, the Government of Canada determined that the assets and skills of the Canadian Forces are best suited for the task. In keeping with Section 273.6(1) of the National Defence Act, Canadian Forces personnel will be deployed immediately to the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador to help address flooding and wind damage. More specifically they will help local authorities:

  • deliver critical supplies such as food, water, medical supplies and fuel;
  • repair bridges and roads as needed;
  • provide medical evacuations as needed;
  • lift power line poles;
  • transport power crews and equipment to effect repairs of the power grid in isolated communities; transport engineering analysis teams as required; and,
  • deliver generators and fuel to main communication nodes.

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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