Sunday, September 21, 2008



Subject: Unauthorized Messages Purporting to be from Prime Minister Stephen Harper

This message is being sent to you on behalf of the Office of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Government of Canada.

As a subscriber to the Prime Minister's website (, you may have received what appear to be two emails from Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Please be advised that these were unauthorized uses of the Prime Minister's email listserv and do not represent the views of the Prime Minister or his Office. We regret these unauthorized communications.

The circumstances surrounding this unauthorized use of the Prime Minister's listserv are under investigation.

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The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
[Note: You are receiving this e-mail for information only, and because you have subscribed to our distribution list. To modify your subscription or to have your name removed from the list, go to: (]

Objet: Messages non autorisés semblant provenir du Premier ministre Stephen Harper

Le présent message vous est envoyé au nom du Cabinet du Premier ministre Stephen Harper et du gouvernement du Canada.

En tant qu'abonné(e) du site Web du Premier ministre ( ), vous avez peut-être reçu deux courriels semblant provenir du Premier ministre Stephen Harper. Or, nous vous informons que ces courriels constituent une utilisation non autorisée du serveur de liste du Premier ministre, et qu'ils ne reflètent le point de vue ni du Premier ministre, ni de son Cabinet. Nous regrettons ces communications non autorisées.

Les circonstances entourant cette utilisation non autorisée du serveur de liste du Premier ministre font actuellement l'objet d'une enquête.

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Ce document se trouve également aux adresses :  et 


Cabinet du Premier ministre – Communications
[Nota : Vous recevez le présent courriel à titre d'information seulement, parce que vous êtes inscrit(e) à notre liste de diffusion. Pour modifier les paramètres de votre inscription ou retirer votre nom de la liste, cliquez sur le lien suivant : ( )]

Serbia's Southern province of Kosovo declared independence in February 2008. Harper's government recognized it's independence. Does this lead to slowly accepting sovereignty for Quebec? Here's why Canada must follow International Law, the UN Chart, UNSC Resolution 1244 and the Final Helsinki Act of 1975.

concerned citizen

No, this email's not real, it's

Why you shouldn't fear me

Hi The Average Canadian,

Stephen Harper wanted to tell you...

My name is Stephen Harper. I am an ALBERTAN, here me roar! My goal is to make Canada America's 51st state and destroy health care that all Canadians cherish by infusing my propaganda with hard core ad hominem attacks. Please vote for me, because if you do, I promise you'll be able to vote for McCain 2012!

We are a tar sands level party, not a grass roots party. We consider anything with the word \"Green\" offensive, except for the almighty American dollar, which we hope to be able to implement in the coming months! We shall first have to make sure that American and Canadian jelly beans have the same standards, and then we shall proceed.

I hope everyone has a great weekend,

Take care,

Stephen \"I can lead you to Hell but not back\" Harper

If you agree click here.