Monday, July 11, 2011

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From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on becoming an Honorary Chief of the First Nations Blood Tribe of Alberta

July 11, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement upon being named an honorary member of the Kainai Chieftainship:

"I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to Chief Weasel Head and the Blood Tribe Council for bestowing on me this rare and profound honour. I would like to offer special thanks also to elders Wayne Plume, Pete Standing Alone and Melissa Whitegrass and to all those who have contributed to this magnificent ritual. To be a member of the Kainai Chieftainship is to become part of a great tradition.

"To understand and appreciate it, I looked to Chief Red Crow. He was a strong leader in a difficult time of transition. He fostered new economic opportunities for his people while defending their religion. He instilled in them a fierce and famous pride in their identity, and I'm pleased to see that this tradition continues to flourish among the Kainai.

"It is an inspiration not only to everyone gathered here today, it is an inspiration to all Canadians, and it is an inspiration to me as Prime Minister. The Blood Tribe's history and culture are unique, but at the same time, we can all identify with its values and aspirations.

"Your pride, your self-sufficiency, your tradition of reaching out and working with others to achieve good things together, these are things our government hopes to foster not only in our relationships with First Nations and aboriginal peoples, but in everything we do in our service to Canadians.

"Last week, we reached an important stage towards a self-government agreement with the Blood Tribe. This is a positive development for which everyone involved deserves credit.

"Another figure in the history of the Blood Tribe, James Gladstone, was the first representative of First Nations to sit in Parliament, appointed to the Senate by Prime Minister Diefenbaker. This was a significant achievement, but it came after many years of hard work and accomplishment on Gladstone's part. And it was not a mere symbol or a cap on his career. It was a new opportunity to keep working for the people and causes he championed.

"This is how our government views our service to Canadians, and especially our partnership with First Nations and aboriginal peoples. We will work hard to deliver practical benefits. We will welcome breakthroughs when they come, and we will view those accomplishments not as an excuse to rest, but as an inspiration to keep going."

"As Chief Weasel Head note, in 2008 we reached a very important milestone together. In the presence of Canada's aboriginal leaders, I stood in the House of Commons and apologised officially for the government of Canada's role in the Indian residential school system.

"I know that the Blood Tribe was deeply affected by that system, and I'm glad to hear that the government's apology was well-received. But, the work of healing and reconciliation continues, and we must also continue our work together to improve the quality of life of Canada's First Nations and aboriginal peoples.

"I'd like to note another recent milestone. As a result of the general election of May second, Canada now has the largest number of aboriginal Members of Parliament in the history of our country. And I am personally very proud to say that five of those seven MPs are government members, including two who are members of cabinet.

"This is truly a great accomplishment which we can all celebrate. Aboriginal voices are increasingly strong, taking a greater part in decisions which affect us all. This is good not only for aboriginal Canadians, but for all Canadians who benefit from the wisdom and insight of the first inhabitants of this land.

"I am deeply grateful for the honour bestowed upon me today. It is an experience I will never forget. It is a bond of friendship which will inspire me in my service to you and to all Canadians. Thank you."

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM named honorary Chief of the First Nations Blood Tribe of Alberta

July 11, 2011
Standoff, Alberta

On July 11, 2011, Prime Minister Harper was named an honorary Chief of the First Nations Blood Tribe of Alberta.

Persons are selected as honorary members of the Kainai Chieftainship based on contributions to the Blood Tribe and to the cause of native people throughout the world. For Prime Minister Harper, the Chieftainship ceremony was requested by Blood Tribe Chief Charles Weasel Head in response to the heartfelt apology in 2008 by the Prime Minister to former students of Indian Residential Schools.

There are currently 40 living individuals carrying a Kanai Chieftainship.

The Ceremony:

The ceremony will include a Grand Entry with dancers, drummers, Council members, Elders and other participants. They will walk to the Red Crow Park powwow area and the Chief and Council will greet the honoured recipient. An opening prayer will be done by a Blood Tribe Elder and there will be a welcoming address by Chief Charles Weasel Head.

The capture ceremony involves a traditional, symbolic "capture" into the Blood Tribe, there will be a smudge, where the participants will remove any jewellery including watches, rings, and glasses. Chief Charlie Weasel Head and the Blood Tribe Council asked veteran Master Corporal Melissa Whitegrass to conduct the "Capture Ceremony." She will lead the induction to the Kainai Chieftainship, provide the Prime Minister with a headdress and an aboriginal name, Chief Speaker or Ninayh'poaskin in Blackfoot.

Master Corporal Whitegrass, a member of 18 Air Defence Regiment, a Canadian Forces Reserve unit, will wear her Canadian Forces dress uniform during the ceremony. Master Corporal Whitegrass was injured during a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device attack in Kabul, where she was serving as a Reservist on 18 May 2010, when another Canadian, Colonel Geoff Parker was killed.

The ceremony will take place in a teepee and the participants are expected to be seated on a buffalo robe. At this point, there will be painting of the face and hands with the sacred red ochre, a giving of the Blackfoot Name, followed by the ceremony bestowing the Honorary Kainai Chieftainship with a headdress; the Elder will explain the process and significance of the name during the headdress presentation.

After the ceremony, there will be an opportunity to deliver an acceptance speech. Gifts will be presented by Chief and Council and the Kainai Chieftainship Society. Kainai Chieftainship President Gerald Conaty will conduct scroll presentations and Chief Charles Weasel Head will deliver closing remarks.

Honorary Chiefs are expected to help promote cultural pride of the Blackfoot and Kainai and all First Nations. They must maintain the headdress with the highest respect and be an available resource to First Nations.

Blood Tribe:

The Blood Tribe, Peigan and Siksika tribes form the Blackfoot Confederacy and are considered to be the oldest residents of the western prairie region. The Blackfoot speaking peoples were one of the last First Nations to enter into treaty with the Americans in 1855, through the Lamebull Treaty. On the British side of the 49th parallel, the tribes did not enter into treaty with the British Crown until 1877 through Treaty 7. Today, the Blood Tribe has the largest reserve in Canada consisting of 1,430 square kilometres located in southern Alberta, with a registered population of 11,074, on and off reserve.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM named honorary Chief of the First Nations Blood Tribe of Alberta

July 11, 2011
Standoff, Alberta

Today Prime Minister Stephen Harper was named an honorary member of the Kainai Chieftainship by the Blood Tribe of Alberta.

"It is a great privilege to be named an honorary Chief of Alberta's Blood Tribe, a strong and proud First Nation," said Prime Minister Harper. "I am particularly proud of this honour given it recognizes the efforts that our Government has been taking to help preserve the rich culture and heritage of First Nations in Canada while also investing in the future of Aboriginal peoples."

The honorary Chieftainship was requested by Blood Tribe Chief Charles Weasel Head in response to the heartfelt apology in 2008 by the Prime Minister to former students of Indian Residential Schools.

Honorary Chiefs are expected to help promote the cultural pride of the Blackfoot and Kainai and all First Nations. They are expected to maintain the headdress with the highest respect and be an available resource to First Nations.

"My family and I are deeply grateful for this gift and I will carry my Blood name, Chief Speaker, with great joy and pride," added the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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