Friday, July 08, 2011

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM marks the end of highly successful Royal Tour

July 8, 2011
Calgary, Alberta

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today marked the end of Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's Tour of Canada.

"Canadians from across the country were eager to welcome Their Royal Highnesses on their first official Royal Tour. Throughout the Tour, Canadians expressed their profound attachment to the Crown of Canada and provided The Duke and Duchess with the special hospitality and warmth reserved for members of our Royal Family," said Prime Minister Harper. "The Royal Tour allowed the newlyweds to see the beauty and rich diversity of our great country, and has been a tremendous success."

In addition to Alberta, Their Royal Highnesses's Tour of Canada encompassed the National Capital Region, Quebec, Prince Edward Island and the Northwest Territories.

"It has been a privilege for Canada to host The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who return home knowing the affection that Canadians from all regions of the country have for them and for all members of our Royal Family. This is the beginning of a beautiful and lasting friendship – one of deep affection and loyalty – and we look forward to sharing more of our splendid country with them on their next Royal Tour."
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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Media Advisory

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Public events for July 9, 2011

July 8, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Public events for Prime Minister Stephen Harper for Saturday July 9th are:

Calgary, Alberta

1:00 p.m – Prime Minister Stephen Harper will attend the Queen Elizabeth II Cup. He will be joined by Mrs. Laureen Harper, Rachel Harper, His Excellency The Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada and Her Excellency Mrs. Sharon Johnston.

Spruce Meadows
18011 Spruce Meadows Way SW
Calgary, AB

  • Media are required to present proper identification for accreditation.
  • Media must contact Spruce Meadows for accreditation

Calgary, Alberta

6:50 p.m – Prime Minister Stephen Harper will participate in a photo opportunity at Midnapore Station. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Laureen Harper.

Heritage Park Historical Village
1900 Heritage Drive SW
Calgary, AB

* Photo opportunity only (cameras and photographers only)

  • Media are required to present proper identification for accreditation.

Calgary, Alberta

7:05 p.m – Prime Minister Stephen Harper will deliver remarks at the Annual Calgary South West Stampede BBQ. He will be joined by Mrs. Laureen Harper.

Heritage Park Historical Village
1900 Heritage Drive SW
Calgary, AB

  • Media are required to present proper identification for accreditation.

PMO Press Office: 613-957-5555
PMO Staff Onsite: Dimitri Soudas, Director of Communications
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

PM attends the opening of the 2011 Calgary Stampede with The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

July 8, 2011
Calgary, Alberta

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today attended the opening of the Calgary Stampede with The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who participated in its official launch.

"It is a tremendous pleasure to once again be attending the Calgary Stampede, an event which showcases the pioneer spirit and true grit that have made this country great," said Prime Minister Harper. "The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth attracts over one million visitors from around the world every year and I am delighted to be joined today by two very special guests: Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge."

Established in 1912, the Calgary Stampede has become an enduring icon of Western Canadian heritage and hospitality, and Canadian talent. The ten-day event, which takes place from July 8-17 this year, features the world's largest rodeo, a parade, midway, stage shows, concerts, agricultural competitions, chuckwagon racing and First Nations exhibitions.

"Congratulations to all of the event organizers and volunteers who are contributing to the 2011 Calgary Stampede, a spectacular rodeo that showcases our city to Canadians and the rest of the world. Your hard work will undoubtedly make this year's event a true success," concluded the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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