From the Prime Minister's Web Site (
Statement by the Prime Minister Stephen Harper on St-Jean-Baptiste Day
June 23, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement:
St-Jean-Baptiste Day is a reminder to all Canadians of the wealth and greatness of the Québécois experience and of La Francophonie Canadienne. June 24 is an opportunity to celebrate French language and culture, which have been protected through courage and devotion and are part of the heritage of all Canadians.
This celebration calls to mind the fact that St-Jean-Baptiste Day was first celebrated in Québec well before Confederation. And soon we will be celebrating the 400th anniversary of the founding of Québec City and Canada.
As Prime Minister of Canada, I want Québec to continue to fully express its unique personality within the Canadian family.
I wish all Québecers, Francophones and Canadians a very enjoyable Fête nationale.
The Prime Ministers Office - Communications
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