From the Prime Minister's Web Site (
Statement by the Prime Minister on the marking of the 62nd anniversary of the D-Day invasion
June 6, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement regarding the 62nd anniversary of the D-Day invasion:
On this day, we mark the 62nd anniversary of one of the greatest battles of the Second World War the invasion of Europe known as D-Day.
On June 6, 1944, more than 25,000 members of the Canadian Forces took part in the largest sea-borne invasion in history. Their courage and sacrifice played a major role in this successful operation, which breached the walls of Fortress Europe.
Along with our allies from the U.S., Great Britain, France and other Commonwealth countries, the Canadians endured many months of hard fighting that eventually led to final victory over Nazi Germany.
The D-Day invasion marked the turning point of the Second World War. It was, as many historians have recorded, the beginning of the end.
Today, as we mark the 62nd anniversary of the D-Day landings, we recall the thousands of brave Canadians who played their part in this historic event.
They came from every part of Canada, from every walk of life, to risk their lives for freedom. Many would make that ultimate sacrifice.
Let us never forget them, and let us never fail to defend their precious legacy.
The Prime Ministers Office - Communications
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