Sunday, February 27, 2011


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Legislative background for new regulations

February 27, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

On February 26, 2011, the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 1970 in response to the violence, use of force and systematic human rights violations being perpetrated against the people of Libya by the current regime.

The four principal measures under the Resolution are the following:

1. An arms embargo:

This requires all Member states to:
  • prevent the supply, sale or transfer of arms into Libya;
  • prevent the export of arms from Libya;
  • seize and dispose of arms that meet the criteria in the Resolution; and,
  • authorise inspection of cargo going into Libya.

2. A travel ban::

This requires all Members states to:
  • prevent the entry into or transit through their territories of Muammar Qadhafi and 15 individuals closely associated with him – his sons, daughter and other loyalists.

3. An asset freeze::

This requires all Members states to:
  • freeze without delay all funds, other financial assets and economic resources which are on their territories, which are owned or controlled by Muammar Qadhafi and his sons and daughter; and,
    ensure that any funds, financial assets or economic resources are prevented from being made available by their nationals, or by any individuals or entities within their territories to Muammar Qadhafi and his sons and daughter.

The United Nations Security Council also expressed its intention to ensure that the assets frozen be made available to and for the benefit of the people of Libya.

4. The establishment of a new Sanctions Committee of the Security Council :

The Committee will, among other things:
  • monitor implementation of Resolution measures;
  • if warranted, designate additional individuals under the travel ban and asset freeze; and,
  • report within 30 days to the Security Council on its work for the First Report and thereafter, report as deemed necessary by the Committee.

Additional Canadian Measures::

In addition to the measures imposed by the United Nations Security Council, the Government of Canada has decided to impose an asset freeze and prohibit financial transactions with the Government of Libya, its institutions and agencies, and the Libyan Central Bank.

These additional measures, which are under the authority of the Special Economic Measures Act, are consistent with initiatives taken by like-minded states, including the United States.

Due to the fact that the present Regulations operate so as to both implement a United Nations Security Council Resolution and a measure not addressed by the Council, they are made pursuant to the legislative authority of both the United Nations Act and the Special Economic Measures Act.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on implementing sanctions against Libya

February 27, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today made the following remarks announcing Canada's implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1970 adopting sanctions on Libya:

"Once again, I want to take this opportunity to update you on Canada's actions regarding the situation in Libya.

"Our priority remains the safe evacuation of Canadians from that country.

"To date, Canada has facilitated the evacuation of more than 230 Canadians on a number of flights and vessels.

"Work to evacuate remaining Canadians continues around the clock in close cooperation with the British and our other allies.
"A second C-17 has now arrived in Malta. The Canadian Armed Forces, in coordination with our allies, will deploy these aircraft, as circumstances permit, to evacuate Canadian citizens and those of allied countries.

"We are also deploying two C130J Hercules aircraft to the region to provide additional and more flexible capacity.

"The Emergency Operations Centre of the Department of Foreign Affairs is continuing to contact registered Canadians by phone, where possible, regarding opportunities to leave the country by any means possible. Consular advice is also available through

"Meanwhile, our Government continues to work with key allies and the international community to intensify pressure on the Libyan regime.

"Canada had called for the Security Council to act and we are pleased that it has done so. The unanimous passing of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1970 yesterday sends a very clear message: the murder of its own citizens by the Libyan regime, and the gross violations of the population's human rights will not be tolerated by the international community, and will carry serious consequences.

"Therefore, Canada earlier today implemented the following binding sanctions contained in the Resolution:
  • An arms embargo requiring all states to prevent the sale or supply of arms into Libya, or the export of arms from Libya;
  • The inspection of cargo going into Libya;
  • A travel ban on Muammar Qadhafi and 15 individuals closely associated with him; and
  • An asset freeze against Muammar Qadhafi and members of his family.

"Canada also welcomes the creation of a Security Council sanctions committee that will monitor implementation of Resolution measures, designate additional individuals under the travel ban and asset freeze, if warranted; and will report within 30 days to the Security Council on its work.

"In addition, Canada has decided to go beyond the Security Council Sanctions. Our Government will impose an asset freeze on, and a prohibition of financial transactions with the Government of Libya, its institutions and agencies, including the Libyan Central Bank.

"These actions will help restrict the movement of, and access to money and weapons for those responsible for violence against the Libyan people.

"As you know, Canada also called for the referral of the situation in Libya to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to help ensure that those responsible for ordering and carrying out atrocities are held accountable. I am pleased that the Security Council has taken action on this.

"The Resolution clearly expresses the will of the international community that the Libyan regime put an end to violence, act with restraint, provide immediate access for international human rights monitors, ensure the safety of foreigners, allow safe passage of humanitarian and medical supplies and lift restrictions on the media.

"Canada demands that the Libyan regime comply with all aspects of this resolution immediately, and that it respect its human rights obligations as well as the will of the Libyan people.

"A government's first and most fundamental responsibility is to protect the safety and security of its citizens. Mr. Qadhafi has blatantly violated this most basic trust. Far from protecting the Libyan people against peril, he is the root cause of the dangers they face. It is clear that the only acceptable course of action for him is to halt the bloodshed and to immediately vacate his position and authority.

"Thank you."
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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Media Advisory

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Public events for February 27, 2011

February 27, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Public event for Prime Minister Stephen Harper for Sunday, February 27th is:


7:00 p.m. – Prime Minister Stephen Harper will make a statement on the crisis in Libya.

Centre Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario

*Open to media


  • Media must present proper identification for accreditation
  • Media to arrive by 6:50 p.m.

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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Media Advisory

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Public events for February 28, 2011

February 27, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Public event for Prime Minister Stephen Harper for Monday, February 28th is:


9:00 a.m. – Prime Minister Stephen Harper will participate in an event. He will be joined by Gary Lunn, Minister of State (Sport); John Furlong, CEO of VANOC; Marcel Aubut, Canada Olympic Committee President; Tessa Bonhomme, Olympic hockey player; and Guillaume Bastille, Olympic speed skater.

Library of Parliament
Centre Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario

* Photo opportunity only (cameras and photographers only).


  • Media must present proper identification for accreditation.
  • Media must arrive no later than 8:50 a.m.

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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