From the Prime Minister's Web Site (
August 15, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement to mark National Acadian Day:
"Acadians were early pioneers of our great country, whose ancestors helped establish the first French settlement in North America in the early 1600s.
"They were also a driving force in helping to build New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and parts of Quebec.
"The Acadian people endured early hardships with great resolve and courage to emerge a proud and determined community that continues to make significant contributions to Canada, in every area of endeavour. Their customs, traditions and way of life have become a distinctive part of Canada's social fabric.
"Our Government is committed to preserving Acadian heritage and to ensuring that Acadian communities have a bright future. That is why we have supported and will continue to support projects and initiatives in numerous communities where Acadians live, such as the Société historique acadienne de Pubnico-Ouest and the Association culturelle du Havre-Aubert, which promote Acadian history and culture. Through Canada's Economic Action Plan, we are also helping the Festival acadien de Caraquet to increase its profile at home and abroad.
"On this special day, Laureen and I salute all Acadians across this great country and encourage Canadians to explore the history and culture of this proud and determined people."
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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