Thursday, June 15, 2006

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Prime Minister Harper to welcome Japanese Prime Minister

June 15, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced that Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi will be in Ottawa for a working visit on June 28, 2006.

"I look forward to meeting with Prime Minister Koizumi. Japan is an important and valued democratic ally in the Asia-Pacific region and a significant economic and commercial partner. As democracy is committed to global peace and security, I look forward to discussing the many issues Canada and Japan have in common," said the Prime Minister.

This will be the first meeting between the two Prime Ministers since Prime Minister Harper took office.

The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Address by the Prime Minister on new Canadian government assistance for the reconstruction of Afghanistan

June 15, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario


Thank you, Mr Speaker,

I am pleased to annouce today that Canada is strengthening its support for the reconstruction of Afghanistan.

As I said on May 17, when this House voted to extend Canada’s mission in Afghanistan, our Government is committed to helping rebuild this shattered nation.

We are doing so for three reasons.

First, because our national security and the safety of Canadians is at stake.

As North Americans learned on September 11, 2001, terrorism is a menace to us all.

And it must be confronted wherever we find it - at home or abroad.

We were again and unmistakeably reminded of this by recent arrests of a number of people charged under the Anti-Terrorism Act.

Second, we are doing this because we are determined to demonstrate Canada’s leadership on the world stage to regain the trust of our allies and to demonstrate that we will pull our weight in United Nations missions.

Third, we are doing this because the Government and people of Afghanistan asked us to help them.

And it is the nature of Canadians to share the peace and prosperity we have achieved here with countries torn by war, poverty or natural disaster.

Mr Speaker, a great deal has been accomplished since Canada and its coalition partners, comprising 35 countries, decided to help the Afghan people stabilize security and 60 nations began the task of rebuilding this country.

For example, in the last election, some 12 million Afghans registered to vote – the vast majority for the first time in their lives.

In addition:

• Three million, five hundred thousand refugees have been relocated.

• Some five million children – a third of them girls – are enrolled in primary school.

• One hundred twenty thousand Afghan women have benefited from microcredit to start up their own businesses.

• Vast quantities of heavy arms, ammunition and mines have been turned in, cantonned or destroyed.

• And 11,000 villages have been rebuilt in the countryside.

Canada’s financial commitment to supporting this important work currently stands at over $1 billion over 10 years.

Budget 2006 set aside $100 million for this year alone.

But more needs to be done.

That is why I am pleased to announce today one more contribution to the rebuilding of Afghanistan.

Namely, that Canada will provide $15 million to the Asian Development Bank to help Afghanistan rebuild the country’s rural irrigation systems, damaged by years of conflict and neglect.

This is a major initiative.

For centuries, Afghans have used traditional irrigation methods to grow their food.

Up to 80% of agricultural production depends on irrigation, and over half of the national economy depends on agriculture.

Thanks to Canada’s contribution, a number of irrigation systems will be rebuilt.

This will stimulate food production.

And it will help local farmers grow other crops than poppies, which when processed end up on our streets in the form of illegal drugs.

Mr. Speaker, Canadians should be very proud of this country’s work in support of the reconstruction of Afghanistan.

They can be proud of the courageous personnel of the Canadian Forces who are working with Allied troops, Afghan police and members of the Afghan National Army to enhance security in that country.

And they can be proud of our diplomats and development workers who are cooperating with the Afghan people to lay the groundwork for a peaceful, democratic and prosperous Afghanistan.

By providing clean water, mine-free roads and reliable energy sources.

By building more schools and healthcare facilities.

And by helping Afghans build their country’s democratic infrastructure, by establishing major institutions such as:

• An independent human rights commission,

• A new central bank,

• And a professional police force.

Today’s announcement represents one more building block in this work.

And one more step in a journey we are taking with our allies and the Afghan people to establish a peaceful, prosperous and democratic Afghanistan.

An Afghanistan that will never again serve as a safe haven for international terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda.

An Afghanistan that can take its rightful place in the community of nations.

This is an important mission.

And one our country is proud to be part of.

Thank you.
The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Prime Minister announces reconstruction support for Afghanistan

June 15, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced a contribution of $15 million to the Asian Development Bank to help rural Afghans increase the productivity of their land. The funding will be used to repair irrigation systems damaged by years of conflict and neglect. Helping the land flourish again will have a direct impact on the lives of thousands of the poorest Afghan families for years to come.

Prime Minister Harper underlined Canada's resolve to contribute to the development of a free democratic and peaceful Afghanistan. “As I said on May 17, when this House voted to extend Canada’s mission to Afghanistan, our Government is committed to helping rebuild this shattered nation,” said Prime Minister Harper.

Canada, a major donor, has been lauded by the Afghan Government for its support for a number of development projects in that country, which include:

• Providing small loans for people starting small businesses;

• Helping women acquire the skills and education needed for work; and

• Helping farmers find alternatives to growing poppies.

Canada is also helping the Afghan Government remove unsecured ammunition and other ordinance that impede reconstruction.

In closing, the Prime Minister stated “This announcement represents one more building block in this work, and another step in the journey we are taking with our allies and the Afghan people to establish a peaceful, prosperous and democratic Afghanistan.”

Today’s announcement is part of Canada’s total contribution of nearly $1 billion over 10 years aimed at ensuring that Afghans have the tools they need to restart their lives. The financing announced is built into the existing fiscal framework.

The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Public events for June 15, 2006

June 15, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Public events for Prime Minister Stephen Harper for Thursday, June 15th are:

10:00 am – The Prime Minister is expected to make a Ministerial Statement in the Chamber of the House of Commons.

The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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