Monday, June 12, 2006


From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Prime Minister issues statement on the death of Ken Thomson

June 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement on the death of Ken Thomson:

“Mr. Thomson was one of Canada’s most successful businessmen and combined his financial acumen with his commitment to serve both his country and his community. He served in the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War and both he and his family made significant cultural gifts to the city of Toronto during the past three decades.”

“The Thomson family’s ownership of newspapers such as the Globe and Mail, as well as the Times of London, demonstrated their commitment to quality journalism and the rights of an informed public.”

“On behalf of all Canadians, I’d like to extend our condolences to Ken Thomson’s family, friends and business associates.”

The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Statement by the Prime Minister on National Public Service Week 2006

June 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Today, the Prime Minister of Canada issued the following statement concerning National Public Service Week 2006.

“National Public Service Week offers Canadians the opportunity to recognize the contributions of our public service – the diverse talents, experience and dedication of the women and men who work to serve their fellow citizens and their country.

“Year after year you are called upon to administer and implement the far-reaching laws and policies of the Government of Canada – in a fair, impartial and wise manner for the benefit of all Canadians.

“Our success as a nation depends on the critical role that must be played by government, especially by a national government, which reflects the best practices and highest ideals of public service.

“We are fortunate in Canada to have a committed and principled public service staffed by highly skilled people. It is a tremendous advantage for this country, one that helps make Canada the best place in the world to live, work and raise a family.

“Canada’s new government believes in public service, both in the ideal and the institution.

“On behalf of our government and of all Canadians, I thank you for your hard work, your dedication and your professionalism.”

The Prime Minister’s Office - Communications
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