Wednesday, April 04, 2007

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (


April 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the following change in the senior ranks of the Public Service:

James Lahey, currently Associate Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, becomes Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Public Service Renewal), Privy Council Office.

This appointment will be effective on April 16, 2007.

Biographical notes attached.

* * * *


Date of Birth:
August 1949

B.A., History and Political Science, University of Toronto
M.A., Canadian History, University of Ottawa

Professional Experience

December 2004 - Present
Associate Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

2001 - 2004
Associate Secretary of the Treasury Board

1999 - 2001
Associate Deputy Minister of Human Resources Development

1998 - 1999
Deputy Secretary (Intergovernmental Policy), Privy Council Office

1994 - 1998
Assistant Deputy Minister, Labour, then Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy, Department of Human Resources Development

1990 - 1994
Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy, Department of Labour, then Executive Manager, Communications and Renewal, Department of Human Resources Development

1988 - 1990
Director General, Security Policy and Operations Directorate, Department of the Solicitor General

1985 - 1988
Director General, Executive Support Services, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs

1982 - 1985
Director, Strategic Planning, and Director, Policy Planning and Development, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs

1979 - 1982
Liaison Officer, Management Practices, Office of the Comptroller General of Canada

1976 - 1979
Consultant, then Senior Consultant, Bureau of Management Consulting, Department of Supply and Services

1973 - 1976
Executive Assistant to the Director of the Prairie Region (Winnipeg), then Program Analyst, Program Implementation, Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (


April 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced that all ten provinces and three territories have agreed to establish Patient Wait Times Guarantees by 2010.

"During the last federal election campaign, I and my party made a clear and unequivocal commitment to Canadians," said the Prime Minister. "We promised to sit down with the provinces to develop Patient Wait Times Guarantees, and today, I'm proud to announce, we're delivering."

Canadians will be guaranteed timely access to health care in at least one of the following priority areas, either cancer care, hip and knee replacement, cardiac care, diagnostic imaging, cataract surgeries or primary care. These areas have been selected by each province and territory based on their priorities, capacity and different starting points.

Today's announcement will be supported by Budget 2007, which set aside $612 million for the Patient Wait Times Guarantee Trust, $30 million for wait times pilot projects, as well as $400 million for Canada Health Infoway, the independent, non-profit corporation through which Ottawa has been helping advance the use of health information technology across the country.

"Our investment in Infoway will help transform paper records into bits and bytes so patients and their doctors have access to this essential data whenever and wherever they need it," said Prime Minister Harper. "This will have a profound impact on the efficiency of our healthcare system and that, in turn, will help the provinces and territories implement a comprehensive set of Patient Wait Times Guarantees."

Today's announcement complements a number of previously launched pilot projects toward achieving timely access to better care. These include three projects that are designed to test guarantees for prenatal and diabetes care in selected First Nations communities, while a fourth is a national paediatric pilot project to address wait times for children in need of surgery.

"When a government makes an investment in the health of people, it's making an investment in the country's future. The Patient Wait Times Guarantees we have negotiated with the provinces and territories mark yet another step forward in our government's commitment to building a stronger, safer, better Canada for all of us," concluded the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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From the Prime Minister's Web Site (


April 3, 2007
Kitchener, Ontario

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you Greg Thompson, Minister of Veterans Affairs, for that kind introduction, and welcome everyone to the Royal Canadian Legion, Polish Veterans Branch 412 here in Kitchener for today's announcement.

Before I begin, I want to acknowledge the presence of the dominion President of the Royal Canadian Legion, Jack Frost, and the President of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping, Ron Griffis.

Thank you gentlemen for finding time in your busy schedules to be here, and thank you also for your help in developing the announcement we are making today.

In particular, I'd like to warmly thank all the Veterans who are honouring us with their presence today.

Brave, patriotic men and women like you are the reason we're here.

And I don't just mean because the announcement I'm making today is about Veterans.

I also mean that if it weren't for you – and tens of thousands of others just like you – we wouldn't have the secure and peaceful country we do where democratically elected politicians can make announcements that are reported on by a free and independent media.

It's like the bumper sticker says – if you love your freedom, thank a Veteran.

So, on behalf of Canada's New Government, and, indeed all Canadians, thank you for your selfless service to our great country.

The Canada we know and love today – strong, united, independent, and free – is in no small part due to your efforts and those of the generations of courageous souls who preceded you.

Whether establishing law and order in the Canadian West, striking a decisive blow for the Allies at Vimy Ridge, defying the Nazis at Normandy and defeating fascism across Europe, holding back communism on the Korean Peninsula and throughout the Cold War, helping Canadians affected by the Red River flooding and the Quebec ice storm, or standing up for the universal values of freedom, democracy, and human rights in the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan – the men and women of the Canadian Forces and the RCMP have always acted courageously when called upon.

Today, I'm pleased to announce the introduction of a Veterans' Bill of Rights and the establishment of a Veterans' Ombudsman.

It's because our Veterans have always been willing to stand up for Canada and its interests that our government is standing by them now.

Both of these initiatives follow through on a very important promise we made during the election campaign.

Namely that, if elected, a conservative government would ensure that Canadian Veterans were accorded the respect and honour they deserve by putting in place mechanisms to ensure better responsiveness to their needs and concerns.

The bill of rights, which will take effect immediately, will strengthen the government's ability to respond quickly and fairly to Canada's Veterans.

The language contained in this document reflects the language for which Veterans' organizations have long been advocating.

It is a clear, concise, and straightforward statement that will allow the dedicated people at Veterans affairs to ensure that every Canadian Veteran is treated with the fairness, dignity, and respect to which he or she is entitled.

As I mentioned earlier, in addition to their own bill of rights, Canadian Veterans will now also have their own ombudsman.

Operating at arms-length from government, this individual will play an important role in raising awareness of the needs and concerns of Veterans.

In accordance with our strong commitment to openness and accountability, the ombudsman's annual report will be tabled by the Minister of Veterans Affairs in parliament for all Canadians to see.

Our government has every confidence that the office of the ombudsman, which was developed in consultation with Canada's major Veterans' organizations, will effectively meet the needs of our Veterans.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Minister Thompson for the vital role he has played.

He has done an outstanding job of gathering the views of a wide range of stakeholders, and that input has proven very helpful.

So, thank you Minister.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is no doubt; Canada is the greatest country in world, and this is due in no small part to the contributions and sacrifices of those who have served and continue to serve in the Canadian Forces and the RCMP.

These men and women have fought against tyranny overseas and worked hard to maintain security and stability at home – they have given their very best to Canada.

And through the Veterans' Bill of Rights and Veterans' Ombudsman, our government is taking yet another step to ensure that Canada does its very best for them.

Thank you.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Public events for April 4, 2007

April 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario

Public events for Prime Minister Stephen Harper for today, Wednesday, April 4th are:

12:00 p.m. – Prime Minister Stephen Harper will make an announcement, joined by Minister of Health, Tony Clement.

Cartier Ballroom
Marriott Hotel
100 Kent Street
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5R7

*Open to media*

Note: Media will be required to show proper identification for accreditation.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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