Friday, February 22, 2008

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (


February 22, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today received the second report of the Advisory Committee on the Public Service.

The second report notes that the members of the Advisory Committee are satisfied with the progress that has been made on recruitment, integrated business and human resources planning, talent management and succession planning ¬– all important elements of Public Service renewal, a priority of the Clerk of the Privy Council.

"The Government is committed to help the Public Service adapt to the changes in our society in order for its members to continue delivering results to Canadians," said the Prime Minister. "The Advisory Committee has offered valuable insight and some interesting ideas on how to overcome some of the human resources challenges facing the Public Service."

Co-chaired by the Right Honourable Don Mazankowski and the Honourable Paul M. Tellier, the Advisory Committee on the Public Service was created in the fall of 2006 to advise the Prime Minister and the Clerk of the Privy Council on the renewal and future development of the Public Service.

The longstanding involvement of the members of the Committee in both the public and private sectors provides them with a unique perspective on the future development of the Public Service of Canada. For its future reports, the Committee's intends to look into workplace culture of risk management and innovation, ensuring a representative workforce, and making the federal Public Service more attractive as a career.

The Advisory Committee on the Public Service is composed of nine eminent Canadians. The report, entitled "Pursuing A High Performance Public Service," and relevant background information are available online at:

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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