Friday, February 08, 2008

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (


Government introduces motion on mission, creates new Cabinet Committee and Task Force
February 8, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the creation of a Cabinet Committee on Afghanistan and an Afghanistan Task Force within the Privy Council Office to better coordinate and ensure the effectiveness of Canada's activities in Afghanistan.

The Government also announced it is giving notice of a motion to extend Canada's commitment to the United Nations mandated mission in Afghanistan until the end of 2011 on the condition that Canada can secure a partner that will provide a battle group of approximately 1,000, as well medium helicopter lift capacity and high performance Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

Today's announcements represent further action by the Government to move forward on the future of Canada's mission, and to respond directly to recommendations the Independent Panel on Canada's Future Role in Afghanistan outlined in its report of January 22, 2008.

"Our Government is taking every step to ensure the future success of Canada's mission to Afghanistan," the Prime Minister said. "Over the past week, I have been speaking with other NATO leaders about our collective undertaking in that country. And I am pleased to announce today these steps to bring greater coherence and effectiveness to Canada's efforts."

The new Cabinet Committee on Afghanistan will have the mandate to consider diplomatic, defence, development and security issues related to Canada's mission in Afghanistan. The Committee will report to the Prime Minister and the Priorities and Planning Cabinet Committee on a regular basis.

Chaired by Minister of International Trade David Emerson, the Committee will include Minister of National Defence Peter MacKay, Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day, Minister of International Cooperation Beverley J. Oda and Minister of Foreign Affairs Maxime Bernier.

The Afghanistan Task Force will support the Cabinet Committee by coordinating government activities related to Afghanistan.

Mr. David Mulroney, formerly the Associate Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, has been appointed Deputy Minister of the Afghanistan Task Force, effective immediately.

The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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